Unlocking Empowered Black Sun Timeline

Here are some photos as well.
(1) Overall Map/Monolith Completion

(2) Reign of Dragon lvl 100 chest

(3) Harton lvl 90 chest

(4) Ending the storm lvl 80 chest

So from your first posts i assume you did run a few echoes in the lvl 68 timeline and reseted the timeline via the reset button. And that didn’t helped?

Did you already try finishing “The Black Sun” Timeline (lvl 68) regularly. (Killing the boss)
Maybe after that the new lvl 100 empowered version will appear.
Worth a try.

Yep, I ran a few and reset. That didnt work.

Ill give it a try by going all the way as you suggested.

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Hi, so I ran it all the way kill the boss (lvl 68). Once done still nothing. Cant empowered. :frowning:

Yeah, your bug is something different than the typical “run echoes, press reset monolith.” There is something wrong with your character right now. Might need to wait for a dev to reply to your bug report

Yes, I have made a post in the bug forum posting save files and all. Lets wait for the Devs to check it out.

Hm sad to hear. I am sorry for you.

Hopefully a dev can fix that somehow.

Totally understandable. The game is still in beta so the Devs will still have lots of time to fixed things and make the game even better (the game is great considered its still in beta).

Already posted this in the bug forum. Hopefully the Devs is active/responsive to tackle this problem. If its a bug its quite major since its directly related to end game contents.

I agree it’s a major progression block.

I don’t wanna sound like playing it down, but as far as i am concerned, this bug is quiet rare. Atleast i never actually heard some1 having the same issue.

Well, not really. It’s not blocking him from running any of the other monoliths.

Yeah, the empowered version not unlocking when you do a few monoliths then reset usually fixes it, this is pretty rare.

For me personally this timeliens has the strongest blessings. And not being able to unlock the Grand Blessings feels like a major progression block

Is it stopping you from doing stuff?

Progression is not only content related

But none of the blessings are otherwise unobtainable bonuses, plus you can still get a weaker version by doing the normal version, so you can still “progress”.

Its just nagging me the fact that I can’t unlock it to get stronger blessing. But hey hopefully the devs will look into this issue. I just need to wait for the devs to respond.

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