Unlocking Emp'd Monos and the "catch-up" mechanic should be account-based

Really digging the game but the pure slog that is grinding corruption is pushing me away from playing that much. That it has to be done over and over with each and every character is just insane. Masochist is a setting but should not be a personality requirement. Nearly every successful game out there has shared or account-wide accomplishments.

I’ve unlocked 300+ corruption on one timeline on one character. Having to do that, with no “catch-up” mechanic, on each character/build I’d like to play?.. Nah. I like doing other things.

Solution: Make unlocking Empowered Monoliths account-based and the “catch-up” mechanic, which I so love btw, also account-based and only use the highest corruption level on any character. I honestly think that’ll be the only way to retain players, especially once seasons startup.

There have been many discussion topics about this. Here is one:

From what I understood, the devs are preparing something, but that will not be like what we’re thinking about. That’s what Mike said in the last dev’s stream.

Yeah, I figured I wasn’t the first. Hopefully the “what we’re not thinking about” solution is even better! But grinding out 300+ corruption on each character from scratch with no catch-up? Folks will play a couple of months till they get their 2nd or 3rd character into emp’d monos and just won’t have the heart/patience/sanity to get back to 300. imho of course.

Probably. But the problem could stay true each new cycle (season/league), when we have a fresh start. Should we also have a catch-up system for that moment?
I’m pretty confident EHG will find a good solution.

ye I am beginning to experience the slog of this process now while farming corruption on my 2nd character. The prospect of going back to my 1st character and refarming the corruption to the levels of character 2 just doesn’t seem that appealing to me. Hopefully in the next patch or two, with the introduction to new dungeons, there could be a way to farm those specific unique items with decent LP as rewards that won’t necessarily require boatloads of very time-consuming grind. As it stands with the way things are now, by not allowing for monolith corruption account-wide, it would be a detriment to the replayability and longevity of a large majority of player interest to partake in such a thing for each and every character they make. Just my 2 cents from a player who hasn’t even reached up to 150 corruption on one empowered monolith yet. I agree with the OP in that it just takes too long to grind out corruption. A small but scaleable bonus to corruption for full clearing each and every echo might be of some significance in this regard, or at least have it so you still get a smaller bonus if you don’t have the time to run around and full clear but for killing a minimum of 75-80% of the mobs in an echo.

Edit: Kind of like the bonus scaling we get when one timeline has, for example, 500 corruption, and when playing in another timeline with lower corruption (let’s say 100), we get the bonus corruption for killing Orobyss to help catch that timeline up to the one with 500. For new characters on that same account, we could take the highest corruption a player has achieved in his/her account, and apply the same type of mechanic, to essentially boost the amounts of corruption gained incrementally, and additionally, as mentioned earlier, we could get a small bonus of corruption for killing a minimum of 75-80% of all monsters in any particular echo. The player can then choose if whether or not they want that by killing or not killing those amounts of mobs, and if the player doesn’t want the base boost within that particular timeline, there could be a checkbox on the initial timeline screen when first entering for each timeline to also choose for the base bonus “catch-up” mechanic as well until they feel comfortably geared enough to tackle such things. This could apply to both regular and empowered monoliths. Having more player agency in this regard would be a fair thing across the board in my honest opinion.

So what would happen when you have one build that clears up to 800 corruption, but another character you enjoy can only get to about 500 before they top out and it becomes frustrating? I mean if everything’s already at 800 corruption, and you can’t even kill Orobys to reduce the corruption?

That’s not what I’m suggesting. Only unlocking Empowered Monoliths and the “catch-up” mechanic should be account based. Every character still starts at 100. So, if you get to 800 Corruption on one character, getting to that level on a different character won’t take nearly as long.

So you want to be able to start the empowered monos at 55ish, when you complete the campaign? I wonder how difficult it would be to play in those at that level. By the time I get to empowered, I’m usually at least 80, if not 85, if I’m skipping the left pathway that only grants drop rate buffs.

What do you mean by “catch up” mechanic? The bonus corruption? I can agree with that being account wide, but honestly, i’d prefer just requiring less stability per timeline so we see a better ratio of boss fights to nodes. I think it could also go a long way if the quest echoes gave you stability.

So basically a not insignificant portion of the player base wants something like adventure mode? I think that could be interesting and may be what the devs invisioned with the skip to ch 9. A bit more freedom on the player side is not always a bad thing provided it is not game breaking, or takes away from the devs vision to much. Maybe rare keys or runes that you can find at higher corruption level that can be added to a timeline to boost corruption. They could make it so you have to choose which ones you want to boost and you can only boost 2 or 3 and if you die x number of times before you kill all the bosses you lose the boost, but if you finish the timeline in boosted mode you get to keep the additional corruption. Oh and they should be one of the rare account bound items

It’d be an option at 55 but everyone will still be able to play the non-empowered versions as well till they’re ready for the harder content. All I’m suggesting is to make it less of a mind-numbing grind for each and every character.

Yep, the bonus corruption you get once you’ve ground out a high corruption level elsewhere.

It took me at least 10 hours (I shouldn’t have to speed run either so miss me with that) to get from just 100-200 corruption. And I want to push higher for sure. Having to do that on every character I want to play, and there are many, yeah… I don’t think my sanity can handle it.

I like the idea of corruption boosting items! Hmm, perhaps another piece of gear that’s stats solely deal with echo’s. “+5 corruption for each echo completed”… or something.

I’m thinking that multiplayer will bring some sort of “adventure mode” to allow people that aren’t necessarily at the same spot in the story to level together, or even just to work on the same timeline. Whether that will include echoes/timelines from level 1 remains to be seen though. I’d be curious to see if people would prefer leveling in timelines that are scaled down to their level, and what that would mean as far as loot drops & game mechanics. That still leaves the passive points and idol slots from the campaign though.

Anyway, I think making the bonus corruption account wide is probably a good starting point, hopefully that will be put into the game at some point.

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