Unique loot bug

Unique loot is dropping under the floor and can’t be picked up. It’s happened twice in a row now with the first 2 uniques of this play through. I was able to get the first one by zoning out and back again but it’s not working for the second one which happens to be a Reach of the Grave and I’m playing skellies =(

Piggy backing on this issue. I just opened my first Echo reward chest, set boots dropped (I can see the green beam to the sky), but the item can’t be looted.

It’s just sitting on the ground and instead of an item name it’s just a small green rectangle. I can mouse over it and see the item is “Halvar’s Stand” but that’s as much interaction I can muster.

Similar thing happened early in my play through, an idol had the same appearance, rectangle, no name, but I could loot it.

And again, in Maj’Elka (imperial era), during Oracle’s Aid quest. Hammer of Lorent drops in the middle of the zone. I can see the item on the ground is a large warhammer, unique beam to the sky.

Same issue, no name, just a tiny text box outline I can mouse over but not interact with.

Actually, as I was typing this, I disabled my loot filter (no filter) and now the unique text box on hover state reads the item is a “Marauder’s Oak Staff of Lethargy”. Are loot drops bugging out, dropping ontop of one another and therefore can’t be picked up?

Portaling back to town and then back to zone makes (both) item disappear.

Hey, Welcome to the forums…

This is a known issue the devs are working to resolve. Some people have success by toggling the loot filter on and off, by opening the settings window and closing it (esc key) and by toggling Z (display loot on the ground). Doesnt alway work but its worth trying as all of these affect things on the ground.

If it keeps happening in a specific area or on a specific map, please post the detail (and maybe a pic) so the devs can also check if its map specific…

Appreciate the help. No luck with the tips you suggested. Seems like a fairly common bug, I’d say 25% of the uniques/set items that drop for me have this issue- definitely looks like two items are occupying the same space causing no item to be displayed (Loot filter shows the unique/set item on hover, but when I turn off loot filter I see the other common/magic/rare item).

Right now, this is the second time this has happened to my on Maj’elka map- not the same spot, but same map.

Within 10 minutes, another Unique dropped in Maj’Elka I can’t pick up (last one was a Void/Necro damage helm, this time it’s a Close Call shield).

This is at least the 3rd Unique dropped in Maj’elka I can’t loot.

I’ve also noticed no loot is visible, regardless of my loot filter state (on or off). Gold doesn’t show and nothing shows a hover state BESIDES the bugged item I can’t pick up. My character will still auto-loot gold though- so the game knows it’s there.

This has happened to me before, when a Unique drops, I"ve tried disabling my loot filter, which ended up stopping any and all loot from showing up regardless of settings (although I’m positive that issue happened to me in a cave map, no Maj’Elka).

A bugged Unique doesn’t always break my loot filter, this is only the second time that has happened specifically among the 5 or 6 bugged uniques I’ve had dropped.

Both of my most recent issues happened in the area right where the Lich quest is completed (he’s on the ground after being attacked). Probably a coincidence, but again, this happend within 10 minutes of my last Unique drop in this same spot.

I can’t confirm for certain, but I feel like my loot filter was working up until the moment this 2nd bugged unique dropped.

Changing instances/maps does not fix the loot filter displaying nothing but leaving game/reloggin fixes the issue.

Oh well… We tried… Sorry it hasnt worked for you…

I had a blank item drop today myself… but thankfully for me it seems to be very rare - definitely not as often as you seem to have it…

At least the devs know about this so hopefully they will be able to sort it out asap.

Quick one… I just read another post where a guy found that using a controller messed up the loot filter and hid some of the unique drops…

Are you using a controller?

Yea today i had the same issue as well, After completing the Boss from the first monlolith i was expecting some kind of reward after defeating it , but instead i saw these light beams and no rewards and i thought something was off.


Ok I’ve had this happen once and one thing worked for me. Turn the loot filter off, and pick up all the loot. What I think is happening is the loot filter is blocking unwanted items, but the unwanted items are completely covering the other items popup. So the game thinks you can’t click on it, and you can’t click on what’s blocking the click either.

So if you toggle the filter off, pick up all the crap, eventually you should see the unique below.

This worked early on for me so there wasn’t a ton of stuff I had to sift through, but it did work.

Basically it seems like it’s reasonably possible for items to land in the exact same spot, and I think the loot filter isn’t handling it well.

We’re tracking this issue internally, thanks for the report!

I had two in a row drop within a few minutes of each other, one a shield and one a chest piece. I logged off after the second one, thinking maybe it was because I had just AFK’d to clean up a broken glass. I had zoned between the two drops. It’s worth noting, that once this happens, all other lootables in the area (gold, potions, and items) have no name shown, either.https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1800854600493183040/59E678AD4B06976027AB59B629848809F986328F/

Just found one, the loot is on an unreacheable place. I ran a second time and there was a crate there, even though I could break it with Maelstrom, It’s still unreacheable.

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