Unable to unlock empowered monolith


After completing the normal time lines, and in particular the last 3 monoliths, nothing happens… The thingy in the middle of the 3 is not active… What should I do? I’m level 85: do I have to be level 100 to activate it?


With my first character i just try second time after relogin and its activates. Other characters had no problem.

If you’ve gone to the middle and clicked on the centerpiece and it doesn’t unlock, do one echo in the Last Ruin and then go back to the center and see if it works.

It still doesn’t work… I don’t know what I’ve missed and why the empowered lines don’t activate… I tried 2 more echoes in the last ruins, but to no avail…

When I look at the stats on the monoliths, I get a 10/20 on monolith advancement… Is that normal? Yet I’ve finished all the quests and I’ve got a blessing for each monolith…

Yes, that’s normal. It only means that you completed all unempowered monos and still have the empowered versions to do. Have you gone to a mono and tried to enter to see if it gives you the option of Level 100 or the other?

When I enter a monolith, I stay in classic mode (no level 100 or anything else). And if I walk directly in the monoliths (not with the map), it’s the same thing… I can see the thingy in the middle but nothing happens and I can’t click on it…

The solution is in that thread.

Sorry, but it’s not clear to me exactly what I need to do. What I’ve done since: I’ve walked around each monolith to connect the bridges. Then I unlogged. I did an echo on The Last Ruin. Unlogged again.

I’ve checked that each portal for each monolith is activated but still nothing…

Relog, travel to all of the 3 top monoliths via the waypoint on the floor, not using the map, the go to Last Ruin and try to walk to the unlock area.

At last! After walking all the way from the start and echoing back in The Last Ruin, the “empowered” mode has been activated! After that, when I read that the post about this bug dates back to February, it would be nice if a fix could be proposed… Honestly, after going round and round trying to activate this mode, I nearly gave up (it’s a bit of a pain trying to work out what we’ve missed so that it finally activates)!