Unable to pick up gold until client restart

What went wrong?
My character was suddenly not able to pick up gold anymore - neither automatically nor by manual clicking on piles:

I was fighting in an arena and died at the same time as the arena champion (0:28).
After starting another arena (1:30) I was unable to pick up gold anymore. This persisted through the arena and also when doing monos afterwards.

After restarting the game client the issue was gone.

So far this only happened once.

My setup
I play on Linux but via Proton (not native).
CPU 5950x
GPU 6900xtxh
Kernel: 5.19.6
Driver: AMDGPU + latest mesa-git

player_truncated.log (34.1 KB)
I removed repeated blocks of

(Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1)

DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'LogitechLedEnginesWrapper': The specified module could not be found.
  at EHG.RGB.Integrations.LogitechIntegration.SetLightingFromBitmap (System.Byte[] bitmap) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
  at LE.Integrations.RGB.EpochRGB.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

from the log file (was 16MB otherwise).


cat le_graphicsmanager.ini
ConfigVersion = 3
MasterQuality = VeryHigh
TerrainQuality = VeryHigh
ShadowQuality = VeryHigh
DetailShadows = true
HBAO Quality = VeryHigh
SetHX = VeryHigh
Reflections = VeryHigh
ScreenSpaceReflections = VeryHigh
GrassDensity = Full
antialiasingMode = TAA
ColorGradingIntensity = Medium
vertical Sync = Off
StreamerMode = false
LimitForegroundFPS = true
MaxForegroundFPS = 158
LimitBackgroundFPS = true
MaxBackgroundFPS = 30
SelectedMonitor = 0
ScreenMode = MaximizedWindow
Resolution = 3440x1440

System auto deleted the post by accident, sorry. I’m not sure what happened, that’s a new one for me. If it persists, let us know.

Hey there…

Looks like you have the LogitechRGB issue that plagues Linux users… You need to disable the RGB keyboard setting in the in-game settings window. Note you may have to open and close the settings window (possibly even a restart) to verify the state of the setting - it can sometimes not update correctly so you end up toggling back and forth without knowing. Once disabled, the issue should not show up more than once or twice in the player.log again.

I have a feeling that this issue slowly causes secondary problems with the game that could explain the odd gold pickup issue… When you restart the game, it resets so you dont have a logfile with hundreds/thousands of debug messages. It then fills up again slowly causing issues…

Also, I know you are using good hardware but based on experience helping out here, the limit of 158fps is probably not really having any benefit and is likely just letting LE overwork your GPU for no real reason and potentially causing secondary issues related to the game performance and stability…

Imho, for a game like LE, any framerate in excess of whatever your eyes are comfortable with in terms of smooth animation really isnt neccessary… Its not like a first person shooter where ever millisecond makes a difference… I would recommend that you drop this down to a max of 120 - you will likely have better stability, more predictable average FPS with less spiking and maybe even less freezing if you are already experiencing it.

Personally I would also decrease the quality settings but I tend to prefer keeping my GPU running cooler and perfer performance rather than eyecandy - entirely personal preference which just happens to play into a better game experience with beta unoptimised games like LE is right now… Bring on 0.9!

EDIT: Additional thing - I saw the game also struggling with the Steam overlay - LE doesnt currently use this so i would recommend disabling it for LE… this could be proton related but I am unsure… It could also be in-game graphics settings related - again my suggestions about being conservative above regards settings, may play into that.

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