Umbral Blades not gaining Fire tag

The Umbral Blades skill has the capability of gaining the fire tag through its explosion variation. But it seems with my current setup that the skill isn’t gaining the fire tag whatsoever causing issues with some of my item modifiers not counting.

Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s supposed to gain a tag due to the additional subskill (the explosions). If it were a damage conversion then it would gain the fire tag.

I’m not sure what the purpose of the fire tag marker next to the skill is then…


I believe Llama is correct, the explosion is only associated with a subskill, not the actual Umbral Blades ability.

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Ok, so skill element tags are just the dmg types available to the skill including the subskills, not necessarily their conversions. Interesting… Seems there might be a better way to go about displaying conversions vs. DMG types within the skill and it’s subskills.

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