UI scale

Hello guys,

I will start by saying thank you for the work you put into this game and good luck with everything you try to do.

My suggestion/feedback is that I feel like the new UI is too big. Would it be possible to have some sort of optional UI scale to make it smaller if you wanted it.

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Feel the same… Although I dont have a high res screen to test out what the default looks like with more pixel space… at 1080p it looks too big to me…

The UI scaling option may be a simple solution - although scaling such detailed artwork gracefully may come with its own problems…

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The UI would be a good chunk smaller without the two statues on either end that overshadow all the useful elements.

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I don’t mind the new skillbar, but I don’t need, or want, my entire screen taken up when I open my passive/skill menu. It looks like it was designed while sitting on a couch and looking at a TV on the other side of the room.

They took something that previously use around 1/4 of the screen, turned it sideways, and stretched it to cover the entire screen. No new information is presented, it is just wasted space. A scale slider will not fix that.

I think the skill menu turned out pretty good. And before we also had a whole screen for this.
When i saw the passive change i was generally not happy aswell, because it reminded me too much of Grim Dawn and i prefered the old look. But as they stated in the patchnotes, they did this for showing additional information and further expansion of the passive screen in the future.

Yes, Grim Dawn’s passive skill UI took up the entire screen, but it also clearly delivered information at a glance. This is just a visual mess with larger icons stretched to fill a screen.

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