Transitioning into Post-Campaign Content?

Do experienced players have some kind of fixed set of steps for transitioning a character from the campaign to the monolith and arena? I’ve completed the campaign a few times, but this is my first attempt at harder content and I’m finding it a slog. I’ve got a level 67 beastmaster who keeps getting one shot by elites in the stolen lance area of the monolith. I know exactly what I need to do: get more hp and/or protections. But I also need to maintain minion defenses to keep my wolf and fury totem standing, as well as keep 100% glancing blow and start working on crit avoidance. 99% of the drops seem to be weak bases with t1 affixes and gambling for better gear is not my idea of how I want to spend my limited available time to play the game and also takes forever.

Does anyone have a fixed set of steps they like to take to get the rarer shards (set health and protections, etc.) and good bases needed to gear up? Any tips on the most effective ways to gamble or earn money before you can push far in the arena?

It seems like that when you’re on that monolith chain most affixes drop as t1 (from both mobs & gambling), which corrected itself when I’d finished that monolith.

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If the level 62 monolith is giving you some trouble, then I would focus on farming the level 55 monolith and collecting Arena keys. Right now, Arena is more difficult than it was in prior patches, so set your expectation level in the 50-75 wave range and if you do better that’s a good sign. Arena will still level you faster than Monolith and has some decent loot (comparable to MoF chests, though usually not as much).

If you’re struggling to balance your glancing blow with other needed stats, consider using the Woven Flesh unique from Abomination as a crutch (85% on the chest slot) until you have better rolled gear across the board. This will allow you to use your other gear slots for protections and minion stats as needed.

You might also review a few beastmaster guides on YouTube to compare notes on the most effective passive talents and skill tree allocations. Also, double check which base items you’re running and try to upgrade either the tier or in the case of amulet the type (so that it rolls minion implicits – I think turquoise is the minion jewelry).

There are no short cuts, just luck and grinding. Good luck!


Thanks for the replies! I’ll be away from my computer for a week or so, hopefully when I come back the bug will be fixed.

Grim Dawn has fairly clear transitional steps (target farming MIs or components, faction gear, easy to find crafting recipes, etc.) from the end of the campaign to getting ready for early postgame content and I guess I was hoping for something like that here.

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