Trade Question

When the new factions are available, what will be the trade exchange currency?

I don’t ever trade in these games myself, but this thought popped into my head and now I can’t unsee it.

I recommend:

There are a few hints (especially in the FAQ part) that will answer your question to some degree. As to how it works, we will all have to see what the devs release.

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Gold. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Gold has no value other than to buy stash tabs. Is there a limit to how much gold you can have?

You can use gold in the Vaults of Uncertain Fate in the Lightless Arbor dungeon

Gold is also used to respec passives, but yeah aside from that and stash tabs the dungeons listed above are currently the only gold sinks at this time.

Glyphs and Rune’s should also be allowed to use as a buyout option. Gold being the only option is pretty meh.

Do you even know how powerful Lightless Arbor dungeon can be?
No…you can’t have enough gold… :smiley:


And as I dont think they would be able to make gold you get have a faction. A scenario that I belive has been mentioned in other threads is that one could get a bunch of gold from selling BiS items on a MG character and then use that gold in the dungeon with either faction character.

Whats that have to do with anything? I was talking about currency used in trade, who cares about dungeons in this respect. If I need a very specific rune or glyph, how is gold going to do anything for me? That was the point. Letting us price things in resources other than gold should be an option.

It’s related because the Lightless Arbour is a gold sink. We don’t know whether we’ll be able to trade for glyphs/runes/affix shards, despite the devs having the view that they are like items perhaps they won’t be item-y enough to be tradeable in the devs view.


Unless something changes radically (such as a better use for the multiple millions of gold I have), the only thing that I’d want to trade good items for is either other good items I want (e.g perfect base with 40+ FP as well as uniques), or rare shards (+1 level of X springs to mind). The question becomes does trading itself become the meaningful Gold sink that gives Gold value? I doubt it.

If the Gamblers had not been changed to never drop uniques, I’d likely have zero Gold and Gold would be a very sought commodity, Just saying.

My immediate worry is that if they do add a decent Gold sink and Gold becomes the trade commodity, then those who have no wish or interest to trade will suffer because they will never earn nearly as much Gold as an active trader would.

Personally, for the long-term I am more worried that I cannot just give my group of co-op buddies items I saved for them in my bank (dropped when I was alone). That is simply ridiculous. I have 3 tabs worth of items now that are great but that I won’t use, all saved for friends. I think that issue will damage the game long term. I suspect there are many more trades just done between friends for nothing in return, than any other type of trade. Gut feeling is 90% or more trades would be that type. To disallow that or restrict it behind some friends token system as proposed, would be a dire mistake.

I understand it is a gold sink, that has literally nothing to do with a trade topic. I put an item on sale for 3 glyphs of despairs, because you know, that is what I need right now. Another user has 3 despairs and he gets the item. Done.

If trade is going to exist, devs need to give us some agency or the market will look like PoE on consoles, a tabula for 4 for divines. Yes, gold is the obvious default, but give us more. Whether gold has a sink or not has 0 relevance to this totally different mechanic.

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