Trade & Item Factions

even then optimal strat is to target farm expensive stuff specifically using CoF then switch factions and sell whatever item you switch the faction of

say if you use CoF to drop specifically drop Omnis(the rarest item in the game) then faction switching it

so rune to switch an item faction causes problems.

it will still cause builds to just collapse if you switch factions, due to most of the equipped items being from CoF or from merchants, simply because most good items would be from one of the two.

ye that makes sense lol
i was just saying that if you make the rune or whatever it is rare enough then even if you get the god item in CoF you probably wont have that rune to transfer it … and so it becomes the deciding factor on if something gets sent to market faction and not the fact that you have a 4 lp unique or perfect legendary

But that ruins the very point of the factions to begin with, as the factions exist so that people can choose between cool drop rate(but no trading) and trade for crazy stuff(but lower drop rate)

allowing people to do both without ANY downside via allowing them to trade CoF items, basically means that people will not be using the system as intended.


ye no i agree the current system is good the way it is being independant
its just if it were to exist it would have to be under a big barrier to entry (like something you will almost never see)
also the downside IS that rarity/barrier to entry
If its super rare like a mirror then when someone gets it its special but the game doesnt really see it often enough to actually end up ballanced around it which would maintain the sanctity of each faction for the most part

You can’t sell CoF tagged gear via the AH. So if you used a prophecy that gave you an Omnis then that would be tagged CoF.

Yes, it will make life hard if you start off as CoF. They also don’t intend “faction dancing” to be a thing.

I like that a lot, thanks EHG team
#CoF of course !

ye faction dancing is the only thing i see being a problem but honestly i personally will just make a second char for the second faction so its not a huge problem
and on top of that you do have to play through the campaign factionless for the most part so unless you throw away that gear its not like youll be naked

Awesome stuff

Yeah, I’d imagine that multiple characters over both factions is probably going to be common unless you really don’t like the idea of one faction (or really love one). That would allow you to change factions more easily, but it doubles the time required to get to high rank/favour with both. So it’s not going to be a short term thing. If a person is willing to invest a lot of time to get good stuff, or make getting good stuff easier, is that a bad thing?

So what?

I like how every time there’s some inconvenience in the game people suggest a new rune. :sweat_smile:

You ran out of forging potential - an ultra rare rune that adds FP.
You got a great unique but it has no LP - an ultra rare rune that adds LP.
You bricked your legendary - an ultra rare rune that reverts it back to the unique.
You want to trade CoF items in MG - an ultra rare rune that ignores the whole point of factions.


It’s almost like people (& I could just be going on a massive projection bender here) don’t like to be inconvenienced by silly things like “rules” or “balance” but want to have all the nice shinies 'cause it makes them feel special, especially if everyone else is inconvenienced by said rules/balance dictats.

No? Just me then.

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Whew. This sure is a take, Ayn Rand.

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Moreover, it will feed databases with useless items, over and over, until the server bill explodes

Can the amount of items in the Bazaar crashing the server, is actually a good question. It is something I brought up as well during our implementation. We should be good in that department. :+1:

It lacks creativity and feels a little bit lazy from the devs.

For Circle of Fortune input, if you aren’t keen on some of the rewards here, what is some type of reward which you feel would be more creative to be offered? I wouldn’t mind passing it on to our design team. :slight_smile:


Looking forward to the launch and I appreciate all the great work EHG is putting into their product. I’m still very concerned though that the loop holes left in, so as to not completely lock down trade to much and risk alienating a significant portion of your possible customers, leaves to much incentive for bad actors to try and exploit your product. I really hope I’m wrong. I guess one indication will be if and how quickly LE gets its own forum on d2jsp.

because its the easiest mechanic to go to when theres a problem you want solved since its always on your character

I was excited when this solution was announced earlier and it’s looking pretty good. Personally I’m going to be happy getting to play self found (or maybe with a group if I can cajole some friends into joining) in a way that isn’t gimped by trade.

But I’m also pretty impressed with how trade is going to be implemented. A convenient in game UI that respects the player’s time, (looking at you PoE) no reselling so supply doesn’t balloon forever, barriers to entry to make it more difficult to do trade botting, no scamming, haggling, or dealing with AFK players, etc.

This whole system just feels really well thought out. This is what happens when you put player enjoyment before engagement or other objectives. This should be the industry standard.


Items are removed from the economy (can only be sold once), but gold is not. Inflation can ruin the economy. There should be a good sink, more powerful than stash tabs and the lightless dungeon. Trade tax maybe?

Dought it will limit player numbers. But rather limit the number 0f players in MG to even make trade economy a healthy one.

I main trade in these types of games. However COF the way its built is far more enticing than MG is.

Due to the bonuses u get were as MG will have nerfes drop rates and only the bazaar. Thats it.

Currently i see COF over shadowing MG when this goes live.

Why would anyone go trade with how CoF is set up. Why would a gimp my drops. When cof will have the same if not better drop rates vs MG.

Imo CoF is way way to enticing vs what trading is currently.