So, if i understand this correctly, you want the enhanced drop rates and better target farming of CoF and being able to buy whatever specific piece of gear with specific affixes that you want from an AH. The AH isn’t supposed to be used to bypass sucky rng if you’re playing as CoF. CoF has improved drop rates and better target farming (just how improved and how much better nobody knows, just like we don’t know how much toull be interacting with the AH as MG).
Yes, 'cause as MG you’ve got the AH to help mitigate bad luck. The enhanced drop rates/prophecies are for CoF. Kinda sounds like you want all the best skills and passives of every class to build an uber character.
So you accept that the devs didn’t give the specifics of how much of a buff to drop rates CoF is giving? That was my only point. The devs are going to try to balance the two so neither faction is too much better on average than the other. Which is what balancing the numbers (drop rate enhancements, favour costs, etc) is for which is why they’ve not given those details to us.
Probably not, no.
Funny, given there are other posts saying the exact opposite makes me think the 1 ideas are pretty good in principle.
We don’t know. Being able to buy the specific item you want withe the exact modifiers you want is a phenomenally powerful thing so both nesd to be balanced together. As I’ve (& the devs) said repeatedly.
You do know that the factions aren’t real? They aren’t cimpanies trying to sell stuff to you to make a profit and pay staff, they’re just fluff/lore/story surrounding a mechanic to help the player enjoy playing the more. Anthropomorphising them does no-one any good.
Exactly, the 2 factions need to be balanced (ish), it’s a novel concept that rarely gets raised in game forums. Though, one point you may have missed, trading will require favour and rank.
Well, hopefully “you or anyone else” will have actually read up about the 2 factions.
Fortunately you won’t have to, this isn’t PoE, trade can be done via AH or in person (both will have the same favour requirements) whichever floats your boat. Though, the devs don’t want people to “play economy simulator”.
Not quite. A) drops are better in a group, B)if you are CoF and your (CoF or MG) mate drops an item you want, they can gift it to you(using resonance if you weren’t in game/party/zone when it happened). And if you’re MG, well, tou gave the AH to use to buy stuff.
Or maintain 2 gear sets, as the devs have aaid a lot.
Exactly, that is the entire point. They dont want us to play CoF with drop rate buffs then quickly switch toG to trade.
To, erm, play with them? You know, for the fun of killing mobs and finding loot together. Sorry if that’s too arcane a concept for you. Plus you’ll still be able to gift or use resonances and if you’re both CoF you’ll be able to use the gear.
And that is the game we’re getting. If you don’t want to party up, that’s your choice.
You do you, if that’s how you want to play the game, you can.
For what gain? Genuinely curious.