Trade development update - Introducing merchants guild and circle of fortune factions

Honestly it looks like the system might address everything people argued about. The Resonance idea is brilliant, as long as it’s not extremely rare.


What happens when I use a Circle of Fortune character to farm, put the items in my stash, and sell them on my Merchants’ Guild character?


I’ve always been pro-trade but I’ll definitely go Fortune faction.

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Couldnt be more impressed with what you are doing here. Very well put together. Probably some kinks to work out but really cool idea.


Seems like an elegant ssf and trade solution that also limits new accounts/bot trading a bit… curious how it plays out!


As addressed in the FAQ, you can’t because the items would have a CoF requirement. Items with a CoF requirement can’t be sold at the Bazaar.


I’m stunned for two reasons: 1) I was scared that we were really leaning towards Free Full Trade with severe drop rate impact, given the trade survey. This is absolutely no critique - I can only imagine the concern given the trade back and forth over the last few months that EHG has faced as the devs. It seemed like picking the lesser of two evils from my POV, but I couldn’t figure out a clean or elegant solution. THIS solution is actually quite innovative and I really like it. It does not seem to be rushed, and in this preliminary phase, I have questions, but I’m hopeful.
2) This is still unique, and I think it preserves LE as a standout in the genre, which I love.

Overall, I really really like this direction a lot. I think the same concerns about RMT and bots exist, but to be fair, I do agree with EHG’s stance on this - the sticker tag will dissuade some of that.

Stoked for 3/9.


Yeeeees!!! Great news really like the system


Why? Absolutely nobody wanted that.

OH! I didn’t see the dropdown.

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I was worried the approach would either be Path of Exile’s miserable experience, or some attempt to appease everyone and thus appease no one, but this is beautiful. I love it, thank you!

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More because of the trade survey language than anything else - it was kind of a far fetched fear, to be totally honest.

Editing to add: I know the subreddit turned into an echo chamber depending on who was in there and at what time, but some people seemed to really want free full trade. The majority, I will admit, seemed like they did not.

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this is just excellent way to solve a problem. yea, i like it a lot. EHG are too smart, it’s scary.


Thank you for making this decision. Talking to people in my friends group, most of us will want to go CoF as we really only care about playing with each other as opposed to playing with an auction house. Plus, based on the experiences we’ve had so far with the offline version (pre 0.9), drop rates on build enabling items are high enough that someone in the group will inevitably drop the item(s) you need and, thanks to the new resonance item, we’ll be able to gift those items to the person who needs them.

I absolutely love this approach. It really allows for the best of both worlds that gives more options for people who play together in small groups frequently while also providing options for using an auction house for those who want to play that way. Very well thought out and exceptional work to listen and react to the community!


I honestly love the solution. It’ll be a challenge to keep them balanced, but seeing the effort you guys put, I fully trust you to handle it.

On the other hand, this seems like a significant development. Do you expect any delays for 1.0 release?

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As someone who was hoping there wouldn’t be more trade than the gifting system, this is amazing. Perfect way to satisfy both crowds. Like always, I applaud your decision making, EHG! ^^ Can’t wait to proudly represent the Circle of Fortune :muscle:

Also, two things:

  1. When the rank 6 reward for CoF says “uniques are twice as likely to have legendary potential”, how is that calculated exactly? Is the chance to have any LP doubled, and then the choice of the amount of LP is the same as without the reward, or is it something different? I know it’s probably very early in development, so I’m sorry if the question is a bit premature ^^
  2. It might just be me being a bit dumb, you might want to remind people in the post that those factions will not be in 0.9, as that wasn’t obvious to me through the post only (unless I misunderstand and they are, but I assume the bazaar alone will take months to develop)

This is a pretty interesting and innovative approach. I really hope it works out.


I am shocked. I had no idea how you guys would do this, but you did it. This sounds amazing and I look forward to trying it out as soon as possible! :purple_heart:


Fine details like these are not completely set in stone and could evolve slightly. The current intent is that it is double the chance to have any LP. Also we mention that this is not part of 0.9 in the closing paragraph.