Town Portal unexpectedly opens after monolith clear

From time to time (roughly 1 in 10 times), the Town Portal suddenly and unwantedly opens in Monolith runs. When it happens, it is always after clearing the Monolith’s main objective.

While it is not game breaking, it can be quite annoying when unintentionally clicking on the Town Portal, bringing the character back to town before finishing some secondary objectives (Nemesis, Exiled Mage, …).

As a side note, I am currently using the Abyssal Templar Town Portal cosmetic. I’ll give a try without the cosmetic to see if it has anything to do with the issue.

I am still encoutering the problem after unequiping the Town Portal cosmetic, so it can be ruled out.

When it does, it seems to happen when using several skills (often in the heat of battle). Never while I am just running around.

T is the ‘Open Town Portal’ keybind - if you’re hitting several skills rapidly, you might be accidentally hitting T as well when you go to press R.

Yeah, that was my first thought : that the problem was between the keyboard and the chair (i.e. me :slight_smile: ). But I am not using “R” button, and my skills are bound to 1-4. The closest key to “T” I use is the dungeon ability I bound to 5 (but I haven’t encountered the problem in a dungeon). I even wondered if I wasn’t accidently clicking on the tiny Town Portal at the bottom of the UI.

But having trying to pay a closer attention, I don’t think I am anywhere close to press the T button, or even clicking on the Town Portal button, when it happens. And after so many times, I think I would have noticed at some point.
And what bothers me a bit is that, statistically speaking, I should have encountered the issue outside of a cleared echo by now. Yet, I only bump into it in cleared echoes.

You could try rebinding the Town Portal key to something waaaaaaay out the way and seeing what happens. If it continues, definitely send us an In Game Bug Report!

Ah yes, of course ! You’re absolutely right, it’s the simplest way to test this. I’ll do that and let you know.
Thanks for your help

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