The best bosses in the game

For once, I am going to launch a rather funny subject, well I hope, and which will not be too controversial.

The big question, which is for you the best boss in the game?
After that can be classify according to the category.

Let me explain myself the best boss in the game is the very first. YOU SHALL BURN. He will always make me laugh a lot. Yet he’s not the spiciest boss, but he’s too good. Afterwards, if you prefer bosses with more mechanics, why not. Simply explain what you like about your boss. So the subject is very subjective, it’s up to you to tell me which boss you prefer.


Rahyeh, The Black Sun (Lvl 65 The Black Sun Timeline) and The Husk Of Elder Gaspar (lvl 90 The Last Ruin Timeline) are both my favorite bosses in LE currently.

Rahyeh is just a very cool fight mechanically.

And Gaspar is a fight where i like how familar it is, because of the Elder Pannion Fight in the story, but it’s jsut cranked up to 11 (basically almsot all mechanics are the same but on streiods)

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I admit that I also appreciate it for its slightly mechanical side. And I like it a lot too, I find it really pretty

My favorite boss fight is the three Immortal Shamans at the end of Spirit of Fire. It’s challenging, yet fair. It has the best music score playing in the background and the blessings are pretty good. The fire attacks they use are also visually appealing.

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Wow… this is really a hard choice! I’m not sure if I can make a decision.

Maybe its Rayeh because we both have a love/hate relationship.

When we first met, it was a really short date. Seems like I wasn’t his taste from the first sight so he kicked me out after a few seconds. Same for the next few dates. Since the timeline was reseted to zero back in the days, we also could not meet as often as I’d wished for.

I really needed to work hard for the time to stay with him. But at some point it just clicked.

Now we enjoy the time we have together and we meet regularly.



You should totally make that your Tinder Profile desciption: “The story of my first love


What’s wrong with my current profile?


It is so true. This story is so well told.
A true story of rational love, between a player and a boss

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Did you ask this magnificent bird in marriage?

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Rahyeh is an awesome boss. Probably too difficult to appear so early in the timelines, though.
I fought the three level 90 bosses only one, but I keep a very good feeling about the combat against Heorot. It was the first that felt really violent and dangerous.
I rather like Harton also, he is fun to fight.
And I must admit I do love Lagon, but I don’t know really why, and I strongly dislike the tentacles phase.

So I would say Rahyeh, Harton, Lagon, Heorot. And there is no boss I really dislike. Some are less interesting (God Hunter Argentus), but all are fine though.

Me the very first marks me just with his Mithic sentence, but also the fact that I had to do it 10ene of times easily, I made the story with the whole character, and I even did almost all the specializations, I miss some because really not my type. But wanted then I had to do it a lot of times and it’s always a pleasure to fight it before my long journey of a story that I know from my heart.

Idea of ​​this topic come from just that. I just faced him once again I’m going to mount a forge guard, although I’m clearly not sure … The forge guard looks like it has cool skills, but looks really weak compared to the paladin or VK

This is currently a very long discussion in another topic.
FG is extremely strong if you use Manifest Armor and specialize in Minions.

There’s a good discussion here:

Let’s not get off topic here - my apologies because I drifted off a hit too.

But the OP is great!

Oh, really? He was one of my secondary choices (maybe because he’s a bird, too? Don’t know what this bird thing is, really, I swear!)

I like the fight because you need to be really fast. I see that people might say that it’s a bit too much# when you are running around 70% of the fight. But for me it is fun, especially for a melee character. Could be because the fight is not that hard. You can fail in dodging and aren’t instantly dead.

but the whole fight just keeps you on your toes and that feels great.

The boss design is very good in LE and a unique selling point, imho.


Not, yet. I also doubt it is a good idea. It might destroy what we have currently. He’s not that romantic guy that loves cuddling. He’s more for burning things and smashing them into the void. Being with him hurts as much as it is satisfying…


I was JUST thinking this, after dying once to ball to the face that WAS MY FAULT, I appreciate again how generally FAIR these fights are; stay on your toes, don’t do stupid stuff, you CAN WIN. that’s very important for the game longevity IMHO

Highlighting keywords is a way of effectively communicating your point for anybody who questions my gramatik or capitalization use for God’s sakes

You’re right, but please understand also that it can have a different effect that the one you expected.
What you seem to imply is “I insist on the most important elements”. What I feel is “Why is he yelling at us?”

Personally I prefer to italicise the words rather than bold them (enbold)? It’s a bit less shouty.

My favorite boss is the one that has caused me the most deaths when i was rather new in the game : Lagon

Now when i face him i usually close one of my eyes, do a staring contest with him, and when hes about to light beam me, i open my closed eye, run away yelling “Hah you really thought i only had one eye and couldnt se your lazer incoming?? You silly cyclop”

(and on a rare occasion when he does manage to hit me he yells back “I might be silly…but youre dead”)


Lol ^^

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