The Abomination needs to go

shame that this happens to be the FEEDBACK forum.

do you think i have their personal phone numbers or something? this forum is how i message the devs, if i could make a private post that was garanteed to get dev feedback then i would, but that’s not how the system is structured.

In a way, I’m trying to make up for this with my big lengthy posts, since they clearly aren’t getting any actual server data on this class, so identifying the problems is part of the challenge towards balance.

i have a forge guard, he’s a higher level than my necromancer because he’s actually playable, i don’t post about him because he doesn’t really have any problems due to his minions actually benefiting from his personal power stats, and thus he isn’t squishy, and he actually deals his own damage. in other words, he’s already the perfect summoner, so why would i bother making posts about him?

(for reference i also have a high level beastmaster, i play anything with a pet focus, their issues are more build staleness and itemization, since their pets don’t gain from personal power stats, and thus they have to become squishy and worthless to make their pets do anything, just like the necromancer)

While I agree that arguing on the forums isn’t productive, this is the perfect place to provide feedback.

We have read the suggestions on this thread and have taken it into consideration. We do not plan on removing the abomination at this time. We appreciate that it is not a perfect skill and are open to suggestions to improve it.


Well now I have a second post to make when I get home, but if you could do me a favor, to keep the conversation as productive as possible, could you explain what exactly your goal with the abomination skill is? Because if you’re aiming for something balanced, I’ve already detailed a rational argument on why this isn’t possible in its current structure, and if you just want a fun gimmick spell, I can give insight in that direction too, but without knowing what it is you want, I can only run in circles around the idea of the abomination.

Go with whatever you think is best.

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Like I’ve said before. I think the idea behind building the abo around consuming other creatures, was a very cool idea. But it just doesn’t work. I stand by my previous suggestion, that abo should be permanent - and the passive tree being focused on “putting the pieces together to make it”, making the abo skill tree sort of a laboratory.

As an example, for its hands… you have 3 mutually exclusive options. Something like poison claws OR frenzy claws OR Brute fists. Then do this for all its body parts, so that through the passive skill tree - your choices basically assembles your custom made abomination.

This way the abo would be a flexible perma pet that can fill the role you need it to. Whether tank, auras, healing, dps, mitigation etc. The core damage values, size and HP adjusted down in trade for it being permanent. And the upgrades making it strong in the areas you want it to.

Edit: This is merely a suggestion for the purpose of example.

  1. Body.
  • Big, lots of HP and taunt. But makes its run and attack speed slower.
  • Medium sized, a weaker taunt and higher resistances, but lower life. Attack speed normalized.
  • Slim. No taunt, lower health, but higher overall damage and attack speed.
  1. Head.
  • Cerberus upgrade gives it 3 heads which each spew fire bolts that taunts on hit and deal high damage, but the ability has a long cooldown.
  • Rotten head giving it poison damage to attack, poison damage aura, and poison resist.
  • Horned head. Much lower crit chance, but much higher crit damage.
  1. Claws.
  • Poison claws that deal AOE damage in melee and apply poison.
  • Physical claws that grants it frenzy on hit and bleed damage.
  • Void claws that gives it regeneration on hit, and lowers enemy void resistance.

+Feet, +Tail.

You get the idea. Anyway, not sure how feasible this would be to implement. It’s just a suggestion. Like I said I actually loved the idea behind it eating your own minions to assemble into a combo of the minions sacrificed.

However the problems with it not being permanent already makes it - NOT FUN AT ALL. So if you combine an already not fun factor (not perma) with it having to eat your other minions EVERY TIME it dies? It’s basically the most anti-fun skill ever in practice. Which is such a shame, because the model is friggin awesome.

I actually agree with Zarono on the Abomination issue.

I would prefer the Abomination just be summoned without needing to consume corpses.

I also think the Abomination should not decay. Instead it should just not be able to heal through most methods.

To keep the theme though, it would be interesting to have the abomination not be able to leech or regen or heal through spells, but instead only gets health back from every enemy/minion killed around it. It would represent the Abomination absorbing the corpse to rebuild its bits lost in combat.

To take that a bit further, the Abomination could even get a bit of the abilities of the absorbed corpses. If a rare with fire resist gets killed around the Abomination, then it would gain a bit of fire resist. Obviously this shouldn’t scale infinitely, but maybe the buffs could lose effectiveness over time and eventually just fall off. This would make your other minion choices matter a bit though, as them dying around the Abomination would bestow a bit of their abilities to the Abomination.

I think it needs a COMPLETE REWORK

I believe that Abomination should start out only picking up skelly warriors and archers. But have LOTS of nodes that reference other minion types to sacrifice(or maybe even one that disables sacrificing skellies)

Also the sacrificed minion should change the abom significantly and the sacrifice effect should be something you do AFTER summoning the abom(so it can exist outside of minion sacrifice builds, but as a significantly weaker creature)

The point being that a skeleton rogue should give a poison skill if sacrificed, archers cause it to periodically fire arrows(where the number of attacks is based on sacrificed archers), warriors cause its autoattacks to deal extra hits and so on.

Further, as any creature outside of the warriors and archers would need the specific nodes on the skill bar, you do not get the issue of hitting the wrong minion with abom sacrifice AND you have to decide which of the different sacrifice options to specialise in

Also it may be a good idea to have these bonuses be effected by the minions skill tree to a small degree, for damage conversion nodes. This change in particular would turn abom from a paricitic skill to a synergistic one.

this could also be a thing on top of what I have said - as in if a archer dies near it, abom uses it to fire projectiles, if volitile zombie dies near it, then it gets a repeating exploding aoe. EDIT:Perhaps the sacrifice only is a thing as in a way to trigger the temporary buff more easily without having to rely on something killing the minion for you. Also it gives back more health to the abom.

I agree, but does this mean to say that it would be like the first option I suggested (in this post: Rethinking the Abomination) , and the abomination consumes on summoning, or did you have a secondary mechanism in mind for how the abomination consumes things, so that it can consume on demand long after it had been summoned?

i meant as in, similar to how primalist wolves gain a second ability after summoning.

that could work. people might complain that it’s just a copy of the primalist mechanic, but f*ck 'em…

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