Text-less label

Player.log (248.5 KB)

As requested by Sarno on them discords. Can’t attach the image. Cheers :slight_smile:

Upload it to somewhere like imgur.com & link it.

I mean it’s just a black label (background) with no text in it. Should not take a lot of imagination to visualize how it looks :smiley:

The visuals can help us identify the issue quicker and it allows us to be sure that we’ve replicated/solved the issue on our end.

I happened to have the same issue and took a screenshot, this is how it looked for me:

This item was a relic with +level to flurry - I specifically had that affix emphasised in the filter. Since removing all the emphasise rules in my filter, I haven’t come across this issue.

We’ll look into this, thanks!

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