Temporal Sanctum Mechanic still teleporting back without pressing the button

Press the button, get teleported back just ‘in time’ for the explosion and dot damage. and the second press didnt go off either?

Player.zip (6.7 KB)


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Me too. Had it happen twice to me yesterday and once today.
Player.log (990.7 KB)

Happens to me every time i run sanctum ran 3 or 4 yesterday and 2 or 3 today. Every run bugged out during Julra fight temporal shift ability. Just brings you right back and blows you up.

Heya folks.

From other reports onthe forum, as a workaround, if you avoid using any other ability for about 0.2 ish seconds beforehand, you won’t get this.

Same BS overagain!

We’re looking into this. Thanks for the reports!

Psychodrive’s description of the issue not occurring if abilities aren’t used immediately beforehand is potentially a hint at the root problem. If others have the same experience, that’s helpful information.

There been a few different ‘work arounds’ about, including some discussion in the CT server. But ae I was using spiral hammer throw, hard not to have a skill be hitting/active.

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