Temporal Dungeon not dropping matching exalted item (Edited)

I have been running the Temporal Dungeon after the patch. The patch states that it should drop a matching exalted item alongside the unique. I ran the Tier 2 dungeon 3 times in a row and each time it did not drop a matching exalted item. I do not remember the choices I made in the dungeon but it did not change the end result. I do not know if it is that specific tier or not.

Can you upload the loot filter you were using at the time, along with your log file?

You can reach your filters folder from in-game by opening the loot filter panel, selecting “export filter”, then selecting “open custom filter location”. You may need to zip the filter to be able to upload it here.

How do I upload the files? I did not see an option any where?

Additionally I tried with a different character entirely with a different loot filter and still not matching exalted item

This button will let you upload files.

When Julra’s loot dropped, did you receive no exalted items at all, or was the issue that there weren’t any exalted items with a matching type for the unique item she dropped? Which unique did she drop?

Filters I used during the runs and Player Log file:
Last Epoch Files.zip (24.3 KB)

Ok thank you. I have actually only received her specific unique drop once out of the 5 runs I
have done. It is that there is not matching exalted item that matched the unique that dropped. I have additionally received the same unique 3 out the 5 times I ran the dungeon.

She dropped her unique sapphire ring as well

So you were expecting to receive an exalted ring, but did not?

For clarity, Julra has 4 uniques specific to her and will choose from 1 of those 4 uniques to drop based on dungeon tier and random chance. She will always drop 1 of those uniques, and drop an exalted item that matches the type of that specific unique item. So if she drops her unique ring, she will drop any exalted ring with 4 affixes.
If she coincidentally drops an unrelated unique item as well, she is not guaranteed to drop a matching exalted item for that unique.

Ok that makes sense. I was expecting to receive an exalted ring to match her unique ring but did not. So to clarify she is guaranteed to drop one of her specific uniques every run? Ok I went and looked at the other uniques that dropped. I have received three helmets, one ring, and once nothing at all. each time she dropped her specific unique item i did not receive a matching exalted item

Thanks for the info! We’re looking into it.

You’re welcome. Thank you for the hard work and the great game!

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