Tasting this delicious looking sauce called Last Epoch

Greetings everyone and good morning from Portugal :slight_smile:

I started the game a few days ago, going slowly but i’m really enjoying it i do already feel that this might be the ARPG for me and since it’s still fresh (early access), devs seem to really put hard work into it and always keep open and communicating with the community, and it will be easier for me to invest myself and soak all things that the game has to offer, knowing that things might change or even new systems will be implemented since ARPG’s always keep evolving in time and change in itself, just look at PoE for example.

Last Epoch has it’s own end game i guess? But i don’t know much about it, is there anyone that could explain to me what is the end game in LE or maybe there are different systems for end game content? Is there a place i could go and read to know more about it?

Last night i was trying to mess around with crafting, get into it, but as it happened to me with other ARPG’s that had crafting i always fear to mess things up, i really don’t know if there is a great risk messing around with it in LE?

Is there a way to reset both the skill tree and the passives? I’m asking this because i wanted to follow a guide for my class but i have been forging the path myself and again i fear that i have made a mistake by doing things my own way…or maybe not xD

I have discovered this website Last Epoch Item Database where we can see different pieces of gear and weapons and other in game items, it states that there are 1137 total items in the game, i guess more gear, weapons and other items will be introduced in the future?

I also noticed that when comparing items, if i pick a new ring and i already have 2 rings equipped i only can compare to one ring, i need to unequip one of the rings to be able to compare them, is this a known issue or i’m just doing it wrong?

Thank you for your time reading this noob’s post :slight_smile:
Stay safe.

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I’m sure someone will try, and do an excellent job! As you say, though - the game’s in Early Access; you never know when things may be expanded… :smiley:


There are currently 2 end game systems - Arena and Monolith of Fate.

The arena is a wave-based survival thing (like Grim Dawn’s Cruicible) which gets harder each wave. There is a pause every 5 waves along with a vendor & your stash and you can choose to cash out (with a chest for some rewards & after wave 80 you get a golden key that lets you restart at wave 80) or carry on.

The monolith is comparable to PoEs maps, the tilesets are randomly chosen (& the maps themselves are taken from the campaign), when you start each monolith you get to choose 1 of 2 modifiers that last for an increasing amout of timelines that make the timeline harder in some respect and give you more xp/mf. Each monolith has 3 “quest echoes” that are an explaination of an alternate posibility within the game world (eg, what if the dragons killed the gods and not the other way round). The third quest echo is a boss which is more mechanically challenging & has a guaranteed unique drop (3 in total, 1 with 85% chance, 1 with 15% chance & 1 with 10% but only drops if you do the empowered version of the monolith). The other reward from the boss is called a blessing which is a permanent buff to your character & there is a big pool of possible blessings for each boss (you can see them on lastepochtools.com).

There are also 3 more end game systems still to be implemented - Gates of Memorium, Epoch’s Call & Eternity Cache, plus whatever Lost Memories are.


Greetings Sarno, your always around :smiley:
I’m fully aware that being early access so we never go the direction things can go, except you guys of course because you are the devs and you already have big plans for the game i’m sure going forward.

What i mean by end game, and i’m sorry to make this comparison in some ways because there are many games in this genre, for example in PoE we have different types of content to do, many as the game that has been around for years has had several expansions down the road, but we know that the main or one of the main game end game is the Atlas or maps so i’m wondering if Last Epoch could keep expanding by having several expansions or even it’s own version of leagues.
ARPG games usually have a campaign but we know since the Diablo days, PoE, and many others that a end game is very much required if the game wants to keep players active and playing the game.

If i can say this, what makes me happy to have joined the game in early access is the opportunity i will have to watch the progress and how it will build up going forward and how it will change. I know that LE will have a in game shop, i don’t have an issue at all with that as i have supported other games from buying stuff from their shops but i just wish that LE will be different in the sense that also we players can get good looking items/gear from the loot we get by playing the game itself and not only from a cosmetic shop.

Hello Llama8 and thank you so much for your explanation.
I guess that after the campaign we will be guided to those 2 end game systems and it’s good to see that even in EA the game already has content to keep players interested in the game.

So if i read what you wrote correctly the game will have 6 different types of end game content? If so that’s amazing!

I don’t know if you are into crafting but i just started tempering with it but i feel kinda scared xD to mess a lot with it and break items, so i really don’t know if i should watch guides or just do my own thing.

Oh, that was just a subtle hint that the next content patch might do things… :smiley:


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