Target farming low level uniques?... How?

Do you mean you LPed fire dmg and fire pen onto the torch?

I am asking because so far I shied away from using the torch due to its low spell damage.

No, Nemesis gave me one and upgraded it to legendary.

Lucky bastard! I am Level 100 and still use an exalted from early monos.

I checked it, it was actually spell damage and fire pen. Still good.


That’s what I was going to type, but if they didn’t even reach factions yet, I would be surprised if they has one of those already. :sweat_smile:

Has anyone done any testing/data gathering on drop behavior/drop rates? For example, I’ve gotten:

  • 3x SnowBlind helms on my lowbie Mage-Sorcerer
  • 2x Bone Harvester axes on my Acolyte-Warlock and my Necromancer
  • 5+ Harthenon’s Vow between my Sorc, Lock, and Necro
  • 4x Dreamthorn swords between my Sorc, Lock, and Necro

The above is just while running through campaign areas. I’m wondering how the low level areas would react to a high level character with blessings and CoF prophecies active that would up the drop rates. This might actually be profitable (to a degree) assuming the above buffs, high level damage, and mobility. Most players won’t do the above because farming monos allows for layered farming efficiency. Also, the devs seem to push out updates to the game that require additional patching which could easily skew the game’s behavior.

Anyway, I was delaying the start of my paladin, but I got lucky. I got the following drops and got very excited about doing a twinked leveling run to 50+ on paladin:

  • Prism Wraps (body)
  • Calamity (helm)
  • Arboreal Circuit (ring)
  • Cradle of the Erased (shield)
  • Sunwreath (ring)

Firestarter would have me pretty well positioned.

Lenses don’t affect drop rates, only prophecies.

Drop rates are tied to area level, so you could go to the level 10 areas as a level 100 character and you’d still only have low level uniques drop or show on nemesis.
Even with the CoF ranks, you’d just get better odds of getting a unique, but the unique pool would stay the same.

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Sorry I meant prophecies instead of lenses. What you described is exactly what I was referring to as a potential benefit for the goal I was interested in. A high level char, with drop rate buffs, zooming around in lowbie areas to get leveling uniques. However, the odd thing is I haven’t encountered nemesis prior to chapter 2. I didn’t take notes so I can’t say if I encountered nemesis before reaching the council room in chap 2.


I got lucky. The rune dropped and I upgraded a brass Scepter and got Firestarter. No LP but I"m on my way.

Sorry, but that exactly what the Devs want to prevent happening. This is pretty evident when reading 1.1.2 patch notes and seeing how they handled Nemesis spawns for high level characters in low level areas.

For farming leveling uniques, If you already have a high level character, you’d be better of just running the highest level content you build can handle. This will also grant you leveling uniques, just with better odds of having higher LP.

Thank you Folk. I clearly missed that in the patch notes.

You don’t need to use high level char. Your alts can join CoF at the first town, which means that all CoF bonuses then apply to it as well. A high level character would only have the advantage of being faster, but not only is early campaign easy anyway, at least with a low level character you’re also advancing your game, namely by getting levels.

This is not completely true. What the devs wanted to prevent was you getting a high level nemesis, then going to low level areas in the campaign for the next 2 encounters.

But if you get a high level character and go farm low level areas, you’ll still get only those low level uniques in the pool, so it’s not a bad strategy. And you cover the LP issue with nemesis, which can give you either LP or affixes.

Personally, I think the best option is simply using runes of ascendance, preferably on sceptres that have a CoF tag.

Uh, I actually think it’s a terrible strategy… Low level areas density is nothing compared to monoliths, especially after 1.1 where they increased certain maps density.
Even if the pool of items is bigger, the higher level an item is, the lower the chances of it dropping, isn’t it?
So in high level maps I end up dropping mostly leveling uniques, just a lot more of them with more LP, while encountering many more Nemesis.

I would never recommend anyone to target farm at low level areas, unless there is some item that only drops at said area.

Also, from the text I quoted in 1.1.2 notes, it says Nemesis will not spawn if there’s an Egg present, so no covering for the LP issue. And also says that if you interact with nemesis 3 times in a low level map, it will not spawn anymore in maps of that level or below.

So the entire strategy is flawed, since it will lead to dropping less uniques overall, mostly with 1LP tops, then the few 0 LP you get you’d still have to carry over to a high level map to be able to find Nemesis with eggs in it to then make a legendary. That’s why I said he’d be better off just running maps normally according to his power level than trying this gimmick strat.

Das that apply?

Not really. There are plenty of high level common uniques that have a 0% reroll chance. For sceptres, for example, you have Culnivar’s Claim, which is a level 50 unique with 0% reroll.

The first one was done to prevent what I mentioned: getting a nemesis in an echo and then going back to campaign maps to get an easier 2 fights to finish the nemesis “cycle” for those items. Which is not an issue if your first nemesis was already in a low level map.

As for the second, I’m not exactly sure how that works. The way they phrased it isn’t very specific. It seems like I could do area level x for 1st nemesis, then area level x+1 and area level x+2 and then go back to the first one. But it’s possible that it simply does prevent Nemesis spawns after a few times so this strategy isn’t valid anymore.

My point was that Nemesis will more often drop the uniques already as legendaries. From what I’ve seen, Nemesis will have a higher chance to add affixes than adding LP.

Overall, even if the Nemesis spawned all the time, I think runes of ascendance is still the better option.

Although OP’s issue was that he only has 1 character and is trying to farm it for his character. So this is all a bit moot and sidetracking the issue.
In his case, especially because campaign is easy anyway, his best option is simply to keep moving through the campaign, even if the sceptre never drops.

It applies to the rank 2 CoF bonus, which is that you get a 40% chance of not spending the rune if you use it on a CoF tagged item. Meaning you get to use more runes overall. It’s the reason why they added the factions tag to the loot filter.

I’m an alt-a-holic and I’m enjoying the exploration of the game thus I haven’t “raced” to the mid to end game post early leveling which leads one to farming monos. I checked out a leveling guide by TonyBing ( ), found a few of the leveling items and got excited. The above is not my channel or video, and I have no affiliation with TonyBing. I got lucky with a Rune of Ascendance drop and the 1st Brass Sceptre I upgraded ended up as a FireStarter with 0 LP. I’m level 30 now on my paladin and having fun. If the upgrade attempt had failed I would just continued playing my Mage or Lock, or if the itch to try out paladin overwhelmed me, then I would have just leveled my paladin using an alternate leveling guide.

If I would have made it to CoF on my Mage or Lock then I would have started with CoF on the paladin.

Just to clarify, in case you’re not aware, rune of ascendance just needs a sceptre. Any sceptre. It doesn’t have to be the same base as the one you want, since the base has no impact at all on what unique you get.

Thank you. I just walked my paladin from the starting point to the 1st town, and had picked up a Brass Sceptre. I used the rune on that item. :smile:

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Could we get a bit more into detail why Firestarters Torch is better than an Obsidian Sceptre?
Let’s assume we have a 4LP, so the only thing we are missing would be the implicit Spell Daamge of the Obsidian Sceptre. Which unfortunately is a lot, around 60 Spell Damage.

And what do we get for that? Around 35% (since we are already assuming a 4LP going with the maximum value of 42 seems a bit excessibe) more damage. But first we need to apply spreading flames which would take some time, even if using Warpath because the percentage of successfully applying Spreading Flames is 26% at the max. So something such as 20 appears to be more reasonable.
Also it lasts only 4 seconds which is not enough to constantly keep the effect on some bosses.

So assuming spreading flames is applied than we would still need about 230 Spelldamage to only make up for the loss. Here is my math: (230 -60) * 1.35 = 230.
So most likely my calculation is missing something and I cannot wait to hear from you were I went wrong.

An obsidian sceptre requires level 75, the torch is for leveling twink. Otherwise, the torch is better for any ignite build because of all the good affixes you get for it.