System Menu - Exit to Desktop w/ Controller

Whenever I am using a controller and trying to hit Exit to Desktop, the selector disappears. I can still hit the button, but even the cursor disappears when I try to highlight Exit to Desktop. This is with a PS5 controller, not using any 3rd party apps (e.g. ds4windows). Playing on latest Windows 10 through Steam.

This issue should be fixed now.

I’ve been checking since this post and the bug is still present. Only difference now is that when the selector disappears, all controller input stops working completely until I use my mouse.

Hm. Is this the Exit To Desktop button in the pause menu?

Yes, when you hit the Pause button from the controller and use the D-pad to scroll down, it won’t highlight when it gets to the Exit to Desktop button, the cursor completely disappears and sometimes the controller input will cease completely and have to use mouse/keyboard to get it back again.

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