Swarmstrike has a damage over time component to it, but is not tagged as a Damage over Time in it’s tooltip. Swarmblade Form has the damage over time tag, but none of it’s individual abilities do
and Similarly, when you take Viper’s Call to make Armblade Slash use Serpent strike. Its tooltip makes no mention of Dex Scaling like Serpent Strike uses
these make it very unclear if the actually do scale properly off those
The Viper’sCall node only makes the Serpent Strike skill tree apply to Armblade Slash, nothing else. So Serpent Strike’s tags & base effects (poison chance & duration) won’t be applied.
Ohh, that is very good to know, as you can tell, that is not at all how i assumed it would work.
as the Serpent strike tree, includes the base node where it says it scales off dex and the other goodies. One assumes you get the entire Skill Tree, not just the nodes in the tree. Furthermore it’s removing the need for a Spear, that is Serpent Strike that requires it, not it’s tree, further implying it uses the serpent strike skill.
quite the confusing way to implement this. makes me question how many other skill i dont quite understand how they work due to this sort of mechanic
If the wording were more clear like:
“you Armblade Slashes gains the bonus only from the Serpent Strike Tree. It does not use Serpent strike as it’s attack, and therefore will not require Spears.”
It’s because swarmstrike is just the base attack, not the damage over time effect. The damage over time skill (which justify the damage over time tag on swarmblade) is called locust swarm and is triggered if swarmstrike hits at least one locust.
the scaling tags should include all the scaling things for when you click that button should they not?
After you mentioned that i see that if you hold alt over certain skills in tree like Neverending Drove, that is where you can see the tags for the Locust Swarm.
but it’s still confusing and misleading because the description for Swarm Strike says:
a circular attack which deals damage to all nearby enemies, then gathers nearby locusts to create a swarm around you which deals damage over time to nearby enemies.
If this tooltip is just for the strike, why mentions the parts that are for Locus Swarm? It’s describing things that this ability doesn’t do.
To me it would make it much more sense for dual abilities like this to do like you have the minion Skills. where you have scaling tags in blue, then minion tags in green.
these dual skills could have Scaling tags for hit, Scaling tags for secondary effect in the over all tooltips. and keep the in-depth ones in the tree as it is.