Suggestions for improvements to loot filter

Loot filter is very useful, but it is missing certain features to make it even better.

1:Affix is currently working if you hit ANY of the affixes, I would like an option for how many affixes are needed for a rule to apply, noted as “x out of” (eg. Show boots with 2 out of 10 affixes)

2:Recolor has very few options for the color choice, I would like more

3:Loot beam option, so that the insta-pickups are made more obvious(I assume loot beam results in automatically showing up on map)

4:Alternate drop sounds, when every item sounds the same on drop it makes it hard to tell which are important.


21 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feedback on Looting Crafting Items

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Also a QoL that would help: copying a individual rule