Suggestions after 278 hours in Last Epoch

It easy, but i agree with that. Today i tested damage and it needed some runs for lvl20 again without some way to know damage without it. Maybe we have some tool like Path of Building here? Sometimes its boring to relevel skills just for test =(

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in my opinion this is the attitude that makes people unhappy.
developers just making stuff up and implementing it when most people dont like it nor want it.

where do the funds come from? the people
do what the majority want and you will always have the majority happy with the game.

people dont need to be dev’s, its up to the dev’s to decide how it could work or say it cant because of xyz.

besides, the poll would be something the dev’s would already know how to implement, they would just be checking to see demand for something.
not asking people to come in to their office and actually develop for them.

I’m sorry. I realize (now) that you took this to be me making fun of you (and that should have occurred to me, sorry) but that wasn’t my intent. I simply liked the sound of “shooting themselves in the knee” as being worse than “shooting themselves in the foot”. Again, sincerely sorry.


My opinion on this topic is the same that it’s always been. Their solution to this problem places the burden on the player in all cases, not just the case they are trying to discourage. In my opinion, that type of design fits the pattern of, ‘anti-fun’.

There is a strong trend of that in this game. The mindset that uniques, in general, have pros and cons, also fits in that pattern. It’s definitely interesting to have some of the uniques fit that pattern, but most of them? And we’re surprised when the ones that don’t are BiS? I’m not.

I get it, small indy staff, doing the best they can, making tough choices.

I agree with the sentiment of this statement. It certainly feels true. I think what actually happened is that the early adopters that stuck around have a long term commitment mindset. Both as players in the game and supports of the game.

I’ll pick on Heavy here, but only because I think he knows I love him. Heavy is not happy getting a good drop unless he walked uphill in a blizzard both ways. He wants ultra-rares to be in the game just on the off chance that someday he’ll see one and can finally feel true joy.

I am of a completely different mindset. I want to be able to have a character geared out in 80% BiS gear in the amount of time it takes me to become bored with grinding through the amount of content that exists in the game in a season. For the state of the game right now, that’s about a month. Yes, I’m an extreme opposite case. I know that, I don’t think it’s actually possible to make me and Heavy happy in the same game.

It’s EHG’s job as a developer to figure out 1) what type of gamer they want to cater to*, 2) whether to try to support both types of gamer, and 2.1) whether that is even possible.

So, as gamers, we come to these forums, post our points of view, ignore Llama being pissy about reading their pearls of wisdom in old threads and be as full of sass as humanly possible while doing it. It’s a good life.

*I think it’s pretty clear the game they want to play and the gamer they want to support is the Heavy-style of gamer. Which, if that is what they want, is fine. Nothing wrong with picking a niche and cater to it. Not every game needs to rule the ARPG landscape. That said, I think there is a middle ground that would make more people happy and they should try to find that.

This is already a book, so I’m sorry for adding more, but I just want to say to EHG, if you have to choose who to cater to, definitely choose Heavy. He’s a good guy and he loves your game. I’m a butterfly, and I’m going to leave for another game regardless… and you know I’ll be back at some point to annoy Llama. :grin:

See it like that:
If you can’t cook you should absolutely be able to say ‘this doesn’t taste good’, and sometimes you’ll even be right… and sometimes your taste buds have been so demolished by processed crap that anything not overdone doesn’t taste well for you anymore.

When it comes to telling the chef though ‘add 2 teaspoons of extra pepper’ then as someone who can’t even cook personally that chef will give you the finger and ask you if you’re drunk.

It’s roughly the same concept. You might know what feels nice… but you got no friggin idea how to actually achieve it, that’s what a good dev does. That’s their job.

Many many games have been ruined as the demands of people had been fulfilled… people generally want stuff to be easier… more accessible, focus on shiny stuff rather then core mechanics (like specific MTX, free choice of gender, better animations and so on… all secondary by far) and then the game ends up being something where you simply rush through, have everything in 10-20 hours and then stand there and don’t know what else to do since you’ve ‘played it out’.
Balance should never be put into the hands of players for that sole reason alone, not to speak of the myriad of other issues people try to ‘solve’ which are not even remotely close to main issues of the game.

The type of implementation definitely is another topic, that’s details and can absolutely be polled. Which falls under the line of ‘on the edge on what to do’ for the devs. Core aspects though? Never ever.

Exactly that, couldn’t have said it better.

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Worth watching - , from Diablo 3 game designer about D3 and LE

As a CoF player primarily this isn’t true. Merchants guild is a bit different but hoarding everything just isn’t feasible. Once you get to a certain point of unique items, the only ones worth any value at all have LP generally so you won’t need anything without them.

Exalted also become less important to hoard every item as at a certain point you will be swimming in them and can make a very strict filter to find exactly what you are looking for. If you have too many you can even filter it to double t7 affixes.

After you have so many idols, make a filter to limit your idols to show only the ones with 2 useful affixes. You can pull them out of your stash and throw them on the ground, if they don’t show up, they aren’t that good then.

Experimentals with low tier affixes can be discarded as well if you have so many, don’t forget to use runes of insight on ones you don’t need that are higher tiered, as they can give you glyphs of insight to craft experimental affixes you need.

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