Suggestions after 278 hours in Last Epoch

Stupid comment mate, but it’s OK :). If you figured out how to trade for 500kk+ - good for you, but it doesn’t apply to everyone. I don’t waste my time with stupid repetitive farming+selling overpriced stuff (which I could, there are enough guides in this regard), and in my case the gold balance matter. My primary fun in LE was about making alts and trying out different builds (including my own inventions), and for such cases the tab prices are way too high, thus the mules. You should first read carefully, then think, then post. Not the other way around.

Well, yes & no. You appear to be ignoring the true joy that is PoE’s trade & drop rates if you’re one of those filthy SSF players. D2 had duping, scamming & RMT up the wazoo, D3 didn’t have trade & I have no idea bout D4.

You can if you have a resonance & since they’re your “best friend” you’re playing with them so you probably have some resonances.

They only drop in PoE, so…

Not quite as bad as your willfully ignoring what you can do in LE’s instance of trade & that CoF isn’t actually SSF. Were you aware that as an MG player you can trade with someone without needing to use the AH?

And that would be objectively better since you’d have the drop rate buffs & prophecies from CoF as well as being able to buy whatever items you want. Are you sure you can’t see why that might be contrary to what the devs wanted when they implemented the factions?

So everybody puts everybody else on their friends list & at some point in the future, there are no trade restrictions between any “legacy” LE players. Which is going to feel awesome for new players.

Was that before or after an exploit allowing infinite gold borked the market?

Quite the contrary. Challenge/difficulty entails a in-build perception for a game quite often. Dark Souls is a prime example there. The whole premise of getting your properly immersed hinges on the set difficulty it provides, often being ‘too much’ for several people.

Changing that though would take that aspect away, making the game loose a part of its identity.

The same goes for many other games as well, and especially boss-fights in diablo-clone games are prone to that happening. Lagos is not without reason so well known… it’s a hard mechanical boss with little leeway for extended times fighting him. At least compared to some of the other bosses which are far more forgiving (like the Lich fight, which is mechanically… miniscule actually).

So while allowing to open it as much as possible is great… some aspects which the devs decide on should always be limited rather then opened for the sake of accessibility.

Economy. That’s a competitive environment by design even if many don’t see it that way.
And that one is affected by many many aspects.

And if you don’t see any point in it doesn’t mean that there is actually no point in it. You just picked the direction of ignoring it… which generally ends badly since it has an effect and that’s not taken into consideration.

Just sucks that then he can’t use his CoF friend’s items since they’re tagged, so the system means jack-shit in that case :stuck_out_tongue:

Which is why I’m regularly saying that the current tagging system needs a rework overall since it fails to allow the stuff which should be allowed. It’s too strict and hence stifling.

For everyone who doesn’t do group-play it feels like that though.
That’s why it’s compared so often.

Well… to be fair… was it before or after people realized what items are actually valued?
Or was it before or after people reached the point where they could actually buy those items in the first place?

There’s several situations which are a bit ‘borked’ with the economy, not only the duping. But it definitely has a big big effect.

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He’s free to change if he wants. He has that option…

I never play in a party & it doesn’t feel that way to me.

Tetris-players really had a hard time in game.

In aRPG game about farm. Ok, i got it. You are hopeless.

The point is the initial hindrance for group-play.
That shouldn’t happen in the first place and there’s viable alternative methods to address the whole situation.

Obviously only if MG is properly adapted like an actual functioning economy would entail.

So… you don’t play in a party.
You don’t trade.

What’s your community interaction hence?

Sounds like SSF to me, which means ‘solo-self-found’… you do it fully on your own.
Unless you mean SCF ‘solo-character-found’ which means no shared stash either.

Option or not to use the systems doesn’t entail how you play the game.
So no matter if it ‘feels’ that way ‘it is’ that way though for you.

I totally missed that one! :rofl:
It’s a really hilarious comment, gotta agree there.

I do trade though.

Ok, now you got me baffled there.

You say you’re CoF.
You say you’re not playing in a group.

So how can you trade? It entails grouping up automatically since as CoF otherwise you can’t.

No, I said I didn’t play in a group. My first character was CoF, the rest have been MG, I just don’t party with other people…

If you’re MG you’re automatically going for the community aspect of itemization.

If you go CoF you don’t.

If you don’t group up in CoF it becomes SSF… because that’s what you do despite having the option not to do it.

But as the devs have said many times before, CoF is not SSF. CoF is the only choice that makes sense if you’re going to do SSF, but that’s not the same thing.

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If you group up you’re not doing a SSF play.

If you don’t… you do though.

It’s not mandatory… but for the majority of people it is the case.

Hence why it’s often spoken into the same sentence as ‘SSF-style’… because for the majority… it actually is the case.

Yes, you only go ‘true SSF’ if you click the shiny button for it… but it makes exactly zero difference if you click it or not unless you actually use the extra functions available.

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Maybe CoF meaning that you can use this things on all your account, not character, so not SSF. Anyway i choose CoF with my 2nd character and after 2-3 killed mobs understood that i will see a many good items that i dont need but want to trade. So MG is for me. And craft easy after PoE, it allow to do some good items without any effort.

What I meant was STUPID farming. E.g. killing the same boss over and over again just for farming reasons. I hope you got it now.

I clearly mentioned the total playtime spent TOGETHER, not just “how long someone was on the friend list”. And yes, I think that if several persons play together for a long time (e.g. 50+ hours), they deserve to have this ability.

That’s not ‘stupid farming’ that’s 101 diablo-clone target farming of specific items.

It’s a core concept. A given. A staple of the genre.

I don’t think so, especially since after 50+ hours you’ll have enough of those group currency things to trade a decent amount of powerful items, so freeing it up fully isn’t needed.

Acquisition rate of the respective currency can be discussed though.

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So, resonances.

You must be new to the genre, this has been part of it for the last >20 years.

And that is actually supposed to be fun?
I know the genre from D1 on, even earlier perhaps if you count Rogue/NetHack etc. i.e as predecessors.
Loved to play all of them. That is, only up to the point where the endgame grind set it.
In reality, that is simply the point where these games are actually finished and out of content. Very cheap to implement, just increase RNG and lower the chances.
Those boss runs, aka target farming, is just a carrot to keep a very special clientele happily running the very same content for weeks with minimal progression.
Each to their own.

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Yeah, that’s fair, we all have our own limits for tedium/grind.

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Then the ones from the genre like ‘Chronicon’ and ‘Grim Dawn’ will be much more for you. Vastly longer progression stage and far less end-game grind. The former has a lot nonetheless… but you still progress quickly gear-wise before entering a endless progression system with no upper limit.

PoE reaches that stage vastly before running out of content. Grinding specific bosses can be your method to actually access the end-game content, not to speak of ‘aspirational’ content.

Yes, which commonly is the core audience of the genre.
Would be quite awkward to remove them… given they’re the core.

It’s absolutely not for everyone, I can understand that, but it’s nonetheless one of the most enjoyed core concepts since D2 where boss-rushes were becoming a big thing. Just that in LE the time between those boss-fights takes a lot longer.

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