Stun Mechanics (Perma Stun)

I am using FG to stun things is much better. Spamming FG is the way :slight_smile:
I use shield bash only to buff block chance. Yes as states for attack speed.

So your not using Shield Bash as you main attack? Sorry Iā€™m a little confused.


Iā€™m just trying to figure out your set up and actual damage. What is your crit and tool tip say.

Well maybe I just put a link to my current setup so u can have a look ok? But thats only when I reach my PC ok?

Ok sadly I have to work tonight so might not see till latter. Iā€™m just trying to understand your numbers.

If Shield Bash is saying 75k that is exceptionally low. Iā€™m over 200k self buffed. This is with only 18% crit. With a Crit shrine im at 350k so once I get my Crit up I should be good.

Iā€™ve also tested it on the far left target dummy by Arena and seen 365k with volatile reversal a few days ago with less gear to give an idea of my damage.

No 75dps is my Forge Strike tooltip dps, I used FG in previous post, should be FS, sorry :slight_smile:
I use shield bash only for buffing block chance and to slow enemies not for dps. My main dps dealer is FS and it is only 75k so maybe thats why I cant perma stun pinacle bosess. I can thought perma stun nemesis and mages, stun chanse is around 400% :slight_smile:
My link would give you exact numbers. You will read it after work. We could than elaborate farther about stun. Maybe your way would be better IDK, My tests of this build is infinite :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ohhhh okay.

Yea I donā€™t use Forge Strike at all. Iā€™m a pure Shield Bash Forge Guard. My only attack is Shield bash. You play it like a D2 Uber smiter.

Shield bash has a higher chance to stun and better stun synergy. It also hits like a truck which is why it can perma stun.

Seems like you are just playing a different build havenā€™t messed with Forge strike yet I might in some minion build. Sounds interesting though.

Exactly more like uber smiter, now you now better my take on things :slight_smile: Still not sure if optimal but I think it would be ok for pinacle bosses, so far so good :slight_smile:

This is why linking your build i LEtools is infinitely easier than tooing & froing with stats from in-gameā€¦

I spend all my time in game and am never on LE tools. Iā€™ll try to put out a guide though and use it. I still think in-game is always better as you are able to see nuances and interactions that a planner doesnā€™t show very well in my opinion.

For example a lot of people before launch were going Paladin in the planner and didnā€™t see a big reason to be FG. However they missed many nuanced interactions of FG and Ring of Shields. Missing out on huge damage potential.

LE tools are great to see defences of the build. The rest is not that simple to see :slight_smile: Because as you mentioned things with dmg are much more compliated :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, here is the link to the build I am testing:

Iā€™ve been messing oround with this sword. The whole stun would be somewhere around ~400% chance ingame. The advantage is that I can stun all packs of enemies, ant that is nice. I will maybe record some video showcase when I kill all the pinacle bosses, so maybe someone would like to also choose this way in the future cause spamming FS is a lot of fun.

A short video showing me whatā€™s the idea behind this kind of build:

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Yea that looks really cool you got an assortment of attacks and minions. Seems like it could be fun play style and embodies what Forge Guard is about.

Yea i think Forge strike will have itā€™s stun limitations on Bosses. Where I have like 165% chance to stun but Shield Bash has a mulitplicative talent for 240% chance to stun. With the fact itā€™s my only attack and everything else is buffing itā€™s damage. Sigils, Volatile reversal, Ring of Shields.

I just bought a new shield with higher Block eff and went to the target dummy I saw a 455k Crit. Hopefully this weekend I can fix my Crit chance and then it should be perma stun for all the bosses.

Make a short video showcase I am courious how it works. Maybe I will roll another sentinel to have both setups to test.
I am CoF so I am very limited to thins I will find along the way. So my gear wouldnā€™t be optimal for very long but thatā€™s good as long as I am having fun with the build.

Steelmage tried it although he messed up some talents and had poor gear you can see how he stun locks the boss here. You just hold down Shield Bash. This should be timestamped for fight.

Thatā€™s the general idea of it. Obviously it scales crazy well. At 10k Block eff that is +500 flat damage to Shield Bash. (Block eff gives +2 flat dmg per 40) Iā€™m at 12k Block eff now and you can get higher. Then there are more mulitpliers with str and Block chance increases it too.

With that said itā€™s time for work and I work all weekendā€¦

Which is fine, but when weā€™re talking about your specific build with your gear its a lot easier to import your build & link it. Doesnā€™t seemto work to well on my phone though, unless you play offline.

Thatā€™s a nice concept I will try it next if you will test it and say it is strong enough for min 320cl :crossed_fingers:

So yea that was easy lol. Good to know. Last night after work I got my 10% crit on Monument thank god lol. Didnā€™t get the melee damage but got the Stun chance so Perma stun might be in my future.

Itā€™s easily strong enough for that. I do think Maxroll just put out a guide with Volca playing it at 1,000 corruption. At least thatā€™s what it looks like from mods on right side.

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Would nerf :slight_smile:

Itā€™s good Forge Guard has playable builds now that arenā€™t MEMEs.

Thatā€™s cool. I dont like the fact everyone are wearing the same one relic thoughā€¦ There is zero competirion in this slot which is kind a sadā€¦