Stop removing instant cast abilities

For what its worth, being a boomer on the wrong side of 60 there is no way i have dexterity to operate 4 keys with left hand and don’t even go to a gaming mouse with buttons on the side ! Arthritis is a b%@$#%h. So if i cant auto cast skills then it is 4 skills max i can use with 3rd keyboard button being often forgotten in the forgetfulness of approaching old age. Just my minority perspective.


I really don’t have any bias towards or against autocast.

I have a lot of chars that have no autocast skills in use. But I also use it on others. If there are skills where it makes sense to use it, I’ll do. Because its convenient.

But I also don’t have a problem using 5 active skills. Most of the time those active skills are devided into:

  • 1x movement
  • 1x damage
  • 3x situational
    • buff
    • rebuff
    • defensive

So 80% of time I only use 2-3 skills and the last 2 when it comes to bossfights or tight situations.

I stepped back from using Devouring Orb on autocast. It just gets me killed too often on higher difficulty.

Also theres always a combo where I trigger skills by other skills so I don’t even have to use all 5 skills actively.

But you can put another on your bar.
Lunge triggers Smite, you remove Smite from the bar and put Rebuke. Then, you still have five active skills.

Haha, I feel your pain to a degree. I’m on the wrong side of 50, plus I’ve broken most of my knuckles over the years in Field Hockey, Cricket, & Football. I, too, suffer a bit from the arthritis caused as a result of those breaks especially in the damn winter.

I am lucky in that mine is not as bad as yours sounds (yet), but I do sympathise :smile:

From the past discussions on the topic autocasting seems to be rather unpopular :). Sometimes it’s nice to just play a build and press one button 80% of the time. maybe EHG is open to stuff that increases the duration even more so you don’t have to press a “lot” of buttons a torturing ammount of times.


That I can definitely agree on, I felt like that was an issue when I tried to play Lich. Other classes I haven’t had that issue though as I feel my skills tend to be situational, in particular the ones with cooldown.

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Yes. But there are also cases where this kind of stuff barely makes any impact. I have builds where it doesn’t make any sense to put an unspected skill onto my bar, because there’s no synergy or the skill is so far behind because it is inspected.

And why would somebody that tries to build a simple and lazy build with less active skills put an unspecced skill on his bar. It’s a choice you don’t have to do, if you don’t want to.

In your example the unspecced rebuke would be of use in 2 or 3 specific situations in bossfights. So 99% of your playtime the skill just is a nice picture on your bar without any usage.

Instant Cast with a CD attached to it is fine imo, if the skill lasts long enough to justify it or it’s an OH SHIT button that needs to be like that (immortal call?).

Now, that said, I thought it trivialized the game and mechanics to have something that is instant cast that also can be toggled to continue to cast while you don’t have to think about it. It’s lazy game play and streamers (such as Boardman) even said so (saying he is lazy and just leaves it that way). It doesn’t bring anything to the game and also makes certain skills damn near required cause of the benefits provided for no input essentially. Ice Thorns is a big culprit here. The armour and crit avoidance previously provided were put on a brain dead auto cast sequence to take advantage of the skill. Maelstrom can still be stacked via other methods and does not make the skill required for most builds. Same with Ice Thorns now. It takes thought.

IMO, EHG just had those skills thrown down without going over them to give us the skills (this is a beta remember?) And gamers are notorious for finding an exploit/bug/etc and taking full advantage of that until the gaming company can note it down and fix it. Unlike other games, since this has a set amount of skills that can also define a build, it was not easy to just change it. EHG is still polishing the game and the skills in their current form may not even be what they will be when released since we still have more patches to go. I am 100% sure skills are going to be changed after multiplayer comes out, or maybe add modifiers and text to say X skill does this while alone, but does Y when grouped and Y is less of a benefit than when solo.

Attack speed builds without a built in frenzy in someway are going to go nuts with multiplayer. I main primalist (all builds) and just kind of play some others. Next highest is Sentinel then Rogue. Honestly, primalist seems very fleshed out and thought out where some tweaks would help but are very playable.

In order to have a movement skill. A kind of “oh crap” button.
But I see your point and I think you’re right.

Building on this…Sentinel, in particular, can be built in a way that you don’t have to have smite (usually) on your bar and can add lunge to give yourself movement skill.

Yes I’ve done so sometimes. Or Rebuke, if Lunge is already specialized.

This is for SC. Rebuke, even un-specced, comes in handy in HC.

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I think Devouring Orb was an instant cast in a bugged way. Like using any other instant cast (since they were disabled for echoes) triggered Devouring Orb Echo (Especially those toggleable Aura’s with a very low cooldown). But yeah… it hasn’t been long since i came back to the game and i also noticed quite a few support skills not being able to insta cast anymore. I do a lot of theory crafting currently. And what i quite missed, was the Ice thorn instant cast node… was changed to double cast i think… but yeah, i also missed Maelstrom instant cast. At least there are quite a few skills that provide extra maestrom’s now. (But mainly Druid/transforms tho, which aren’t very suitable for the other specialisations)

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