Steam Page


As someone who is really loving, enjoying, and wants to continue supporting this game, I felt it might be worth pointing this out:

While there have been developer blogs posted recently here in the forums, this game’s Steam Page has seen no updates since June 8th, and for some this is going to be their primary source of information and hype for this game.

Personally, I was worried that the game was experiencing some sort of development crisis, which is why I’ve wandered into the forums in the first place.

It might be a good idea if the recent developer blog posts had some visibility on the steam home page.

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Totally agree, lots of gamers don’t go further than just checking out the steam page.

The most important misinformation on the steam page that is no longer valid is from the EA FAQ.
Last Epoch is not planned to release in 2021, so this is a BIG issue.

The rest of the information is still somewhat valid, but maybe could get some new informations added.

At least the jsut recently updated Roadmap got implemented on the steam page, that’s great, because it’s way more clear what coming.

The old Roadmap had a “Last updated at X” line in it, i think the new one could use this too, so people see instantly when the last update happened.

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We will start sharing more news on Steam again soon.

We’re looking to update this info very soon!

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Definitely, I love the game and keep checking the Steam page looking for an update. Finally came here today afraid something had happened.

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