[Static Orb] Skill icon

why this skill Static [Orb] doesn’t have a cold icon but in the modifier it changes from lightning to cold???

[Edited by staff for clarity]

There aren’t any nodes that change Static to cold. Are you thinking of Static Orb which both has a conversion to cold and then gains the cold icon?

Exactly, on the homepage of lastepoch tool there are both lightning and cold icons. you can watch it again

and there are nodes to switch type lightning dame → cold dame

Could you point out the node which converts the ability Static (not Static Orb) to cold?

There isn’t one, that was my point. The only cold conversion I could see on the homepage was for Volcanic Orb, Static might have been used in the Spellblade video fairly early on but I’m not sure, it could have been Lightning Blast.

Though Mage does still have Fire Shield as a skill on the homepage.

Oh God. How do I post pictures for you to see?

More with Ice Thorns

Your post was confusing because it called out the skill “Static” which does not have a cold conversion. From the pictures, I think you meant the skill “Static Orb” which does have a cold conversion.

I have moved this to Bug Reports.

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Like I said in my first post? :wink:

I’m slightly confused what the issue is with Ice Thorns. It has both phys and cold tags by default (as shown on one of your pics) and has a full phys conversion.

Yah.tks u

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I mean the two skill images are different you see? looks very uncomfortable for someone with OCD like me haha

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Oh, you mean the icon for Ice Thorns is different on the skill page (& likely skill bar as well) compared to when you click into the skill to allocate points! Yeah, thats true & now very annoying (!!), I thought you were meaning the small phys/cold damage icons.

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