Stash Tabs Misaligned

Having trouble with both my stash tabs and categories.

  1. All tabs are misaligned by one place.

If I click on tab 1 or 2 it shows the contents of tab 1
If I click on tab 3 it shows the contents of tab 2
If I click on tab 4 it shows the contents of tab 3 etc
I cannot click on tab 6

  1. I have two “General” categories but one cannot be accessed directly or deleted.

The first one contains all my stash tabs. The second one cannot be clicked on at all (it just shows the contents of the first one). It therefore cannot be deleted. However both “General” categories appear in the drop down to assign tabs to categories.

Assigning tabs to the 2nd General category causes a slightly more complex version of the same problem where if say I assign Stash tab 3 to the 2nd General category then clicking on Stash Tab 4 in the first General opens the 2nd General category which now contains just the single Stash Tab 3.

I don’t have much in my stash is it possible to just delete it and start again?

I was playing an earlier version of the beta from about a year ago so there may have been an issue converting the earlier file into a later version. Again happy to just delete and start again - but currently the stash is incredibly annoying to use.

Ok I have fixed the problem myself using the advice in this post: Stash problem after patch 0.7.8b SC MODE - #9 by Pyrotics

Basically I had two tabs with “tabID”:0 and two categories with “categoryID”:0
So I changed the tabIDs from 0/0/1/2/3/4/5 to 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
And changed the categoryIDs from 0/0 to 0/1

Seems fixed now. Assume a fairly simple fix routine could do this to all stash files in an automated way looking for and removing duplicate IDs.

Seems fixed now upon reloading game but will post if I spot any issues.

Glad you found my post from back that useful.

I was pretty sure they had largely fixed this issue, so it’s probable that due to having played a long while back–but not around the time when they fixed the issue-- some combination of factors let your specific situation fall through the cracks.

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