Spriggan Form Bugs

Hi I have run into some strange bugs with Spriggan form, it may be due to using Legacy of the quiet forest which snapshots on use.
Initially I wasn’t able to transform back to human (I wanted to check the dmg increase on maelstrom). I somehow transformed back to human after changing a passive at the passive vendor but thn ended up with human skills but keeping the spriggan model and rage decay on mana as you can see in the last pic. From my understanding, the snapshotted rage decay and generation now applied to my mana (my maelstrom proc every x seconds was still consuming its mana cost)

Changing passives while in a form does tend to bork things up (which is a known issue).

Could you upload your log file of this happening and link your build via the build planner?

It happened yesterday so Idt I have the log file for that session.

Here’s the build planner : Shaman, Level 88 (LE Beta 0.8.4) - Last Epoch Build Planner The points I was moving around was earthern supremacy to see the dmg difference on maelstrom

This specific issue seems to have been resolved. Though Forms do seem to end when respeccing passives.

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