Spellblade offhand vanished on new patch

Detailed description: New patch offered mage respec which makes me unable to dual wield swords as I no longer had the Gemini node. Offhand disappeared.

What were you doing at the time? Just logged in after the patch.

How consistently does this happen? Assumed to affect all spellblades that log in today.

if an item is forced un-equipped, it should follow a series of locations it tries to go.

1.) It goes into your inventory
2.) If no space in inventory, it goes into Gift inventory
3.) If no space in either above option, it appears on the ground.

Try checking these locations, along with checking the Forge (just to see if it might have been left there).

Checked them all. No sword . Thx for screwing this up . Went from 93% melee crit chance to 49% melee crit because i didnt find a third crystal sword with 5% melee crit and melee cold damage. I dont care how you gonna fix this but i want my sword back

I checked all of them and it’s not in any location, I checked my entire stash as well. My inventory was also nearly empty. just wanted to give you a heads up so you could try to avoid more people like the dude below.

Thanks for the amazing work you guys are doing and as I’m sure you know the quiet majority are extremely happy with everything you guys are putting out!

I replied below as well but when I respec the point out of it, it works as you are describing. I’m assuming its because it despecialized that talent when i was offline due to the patch autoremoving all talents.

Dont worry about the " dude below" . Already uninstalled this piece of shit game. Losing items after an update. Amature company

This also happened to me after I had just logged in an hour ago. Offhand gone, had an empty inventory, nothing in gift inventory, nothing on the ground. RIP offhand :cry:

I have this issue as well. Offhand Eye of Reen was visible at char select, but it vanished at login. Not in inventory (which had plenty of room for it). Not in Gifts. Not in Forge. Not on ground.

And TBH, #3 in the list of possible locations should not even be possible.

Force unequipping player items is already kinda bad to begin with because of the risk of various problems, like what at least some of us are experiencing. Potentially forcing stuff onto the ground, where someone may not notice it or it could get filtered out? It’s just not good.

Why not disable/deactivate slots with “invalid” items until the player removes the items like many other games typically would? Or implement an overflow inventory specifically for these kinds of situations as some other games do?

Add me to the list. I posted a bug report and on Reddit but I figured I should comment here as well.

This also happen to my spellblade as well.

Same problem there , lost an humming bee , sword nowhere to be found despite having an empty inventory