Sound effects

Sure the main thème one is fantastic, i’m just saying i don’t want fall asleep while killing stuff :grinning:

Last epoch is actually the opposite of Wolcen. Wolcen has a great sound and music but lacks everything else :stuck_out_tongue:

Good comparison haha. Although I would say Wolcen also has big step up on the graphics department as well but the “foundation” it’s build upon is just… yikes.

It would be great to post examples of skills/music that sound lackluster and explain why. It’s hard for us to pinpoint the problem if feedback is too broad.

I’ll preface this that I’m not trying to be a debbie downer and that I want the game to flourish and be the best it can be.

In my opinion about, 85% of the skills just lack that crunchy goodness. It’s really hard to pinpoint it since I don’t have any expertise in this area nor do most people who comment on this. In general I would say most skills lack actual bass and “crunchy-ness”.

One example off the top of my head would be the landing part of Leap or Sunder making impact with the ground and the fault lines traveling through them. It sounds like they’re traveling through gravel rather than breaking up solid ground.

Most of the abilities in game aren’t really overdramatized enough if that makes sense. Glacier is one that does feel good because of the build-up. I do think some additional cracking ice noises (like a Glacier would do irl) added in here would add a another layer of depth. Like the cracking of ice building up to some sort of explosion. Just spitballing.

I might post a complete compendium of Sound FX that I find lacking later, if that helps. Maybe throw in a few comments others have made on the subject.

I’ve also added a comment on the Music a bit higher up in this thread but again, not my area of expertise so I can’t really comment on exactly which parts of said music tracks are not up to par.

If I have to be a bit more precise I’d say the Void zone tracks are almost like ambience but not horror ambience (which could be exciting), they’re just depressing. I get that the world is dead at that point in time from a lore perspective but it doesn’t feel good for the gameplay at all.

There is something with Disintegrate making weird slappy sounds that repeat quickly on beat, whenever you hit an enemy with it.
Rather annoying, imo.

Some sounds feel hollow when the directional sound comes from off the screen. This can be from spells, minion actions and it interrupts the music of the areas to the point I remove my headphones and play no sound and do better. Some songs are too slow of pace to match the mood or significance of the area. This sound distortion gets magnified on wide screens greater than 16:9.

IMHO the spires have now very nice sounds - in particular this fire bolt spire - when the bolts smashes into the ground the sound give you this feeling that this bolt realy hits hards - please ad similar stuff to ALL the skills - would be so much more immersive - at least for me…

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I second this. I forgot to bring this up in my earlier comments.

The spire projectiles feel as they have weight to them and the landing has much more of an impact compared to almost any skill in the game. I don’t know what’s done differently there but it’s worth looking into.

Keep examples coming guys! I’ll show your comments to our sound designer.

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Other positive example would be this “revealing spire” - when you activate it, I get the feeling that hard metal is moving and grating with big force - and when finished the activation sound is nice as well too!
Another positive example is the new “upheaval skill” - you realy hit the ground.

Negative one would be imho all the flash/thunder sounds from primalist. Playing a storm totem build right now and the flashes realy sound like my speakers are broken. Its a very thin “zishy” only

Or many of the bow skills from the rouge - all very thin and unimpactful.

In summary - give us more “weight” everywhere

(non native speaker - hard to discribe this)

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Think about the sound when we free Zerrick in chapter 9.
And the sound when we free Alric in chapter 4 (or 5).
The first one is very realistic, very well made. The second one is more generic and does sound artificial.
All the recent sound design changes are very good.

totally agree!

I feel that some effects lack the “boom”, a big portion of bass.

There are numerous lightning effects in the game but not a single one comes with a thunder (that is the sound when the lightning is born).

Maybe not all Lightning effects should have a fat boom because all the small ones that get procced could mess up the experience. But the big ones like storm crows minion ability should defenitely have a boom!

In general theres so few bass in this game. Warcry is the only ability I can remember having that boom. And so this skill feels awesome to use.

Mauls sound fx is really underwhelming. It’s very silent and also has absolutely no boom despite the fact that the earth gets shattered and broken.

Void Cleave lacks the high sound of a “zzzing” at the end.

Overall most of ability sounds lack of impact and feedback that you hit something.

Extremely well done sound design is found in New World. Every ability has a fat and crisp sound even the trades like when you chop down trees.

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exactly its like the highs and lows are silenced. Some effects have a big impact like glacier. If you can adjust treble and bass on your soundcard that actually gives a little but still.


I found a lot of the skills to sound muffled and subdued, like from distance away. Skills such as upheaval do not have the weight or impact that suits the visual animation.

Also, I think the sound design need more improvements in the directionality. Like a lot of the skills feel like it is coming from the character in the screen. However, I feel that it would be better if the skill sound fx are centered around the player rather than ingame char. My 2 cents.

This is how I feel about so many skills. It’s like the sound designer is specifically avoiding the use of bass for some unknown reason.

I barely have played Strike skills in PoE and I can still remember the feel and sound of bashing a mob in with X skill + an explodey mod on it.

Here I would expect the same when you’re using Maul or something like Erasing Strike except it isn’t there.

You can’t have a name like Erasing Strike with an overhand smash animation and make it not have a big impact with bass.

I’m thinking of doing a skill-by-skill analysis of all classes and giving feedback for each one but it’s quite a lot to go through, hopefully more people will share in this thread so I don’t have to haha

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Also i assume that sound designer has some high def speakers which can produce bass very easily.
Sounds should also test with pretty basic setup or even worse.

I reckon with examples sound designer can do some magic and bring game more alive with sounds.

I’ll add Rip Blood to the list. It’s barely audible at all, to the point where I’m sometimes wondering if it’s triggering properly.

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