Skill interaction - Acolyte - Bone Curse - Crimson enlightenment (Rip Blood) / Merciless

What went wrong?

For reference - Merciless states “You may cast Bone Curse on your minions, which grants them more physical damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but also applies Bone Curse’s negative effects. This effect lasts 4 seconds and does not stack.”

Crimson Enlightenment - “When Bone Curse times out, you cast Rip Blood on that enemy, a spell dealing physical damage.”

Rip Blood - “Rips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you.”

Using Merciless to cast Crimson enlightenment via bone curse on your minions will proc the visual effect of blood rip on your minions but it will do no damage, no will it create blood orbs and their healing effect.

This is replicatable anywhere. Easiest way is load up on curse and spell damage go into any world map or echo, cast it on your minions and wait for bone curse to expire to proc the visual effect of blood rip, but no actual effect from it.

If Merciless only applies the BASE bone curse effect to your minions it should be included in the tool tip that is the case. Otherwise this appears to be a bug. especially considering the rip blood animation going off but not doing anything.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before I did a forum search and couldn’t find anything related to this specifically.

Everything is working as intended. If the “Rip blood” from the “Bone curse” ability have no valid target in range, it will activate itself on the minions location (Like using Rip blood on yourself without any valid target).
For Rip blood to affect your minions, you need “Marrow Drinker” from the rip blood passive tree. However, it will no longer be cast on the ennemies.
Hope this clarifies the abilities and skill trees.

Note: The Rip blood projectile moves quite fast so if you are close to the target, it might be hard to see.

thank you very much. i assumed it was treating your minions as enemies, hence why it would cast on them but you’ve better explained the mechanics to me. More complicated than I was thinking but totally makes sense.

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