Shattershock possibly bugged?

This is my post from the official discord, mage subcategorie. I’ve edited out the timestamps and corrected a few typos.

"HI guys! I’m running an icebarrage + cold converted lightning blast build. In my 4x1 idol slots i use one idol with crit + cold damage and one with shock + cold damage.
Yesterday i dropped a second crit+ cold damage idol and swapped it in for the shock + cold damage one.

To my surprise at the target dummy my dps however dropped very significantly with Lightning Blast from 50k crits topend to 35k crits topend with the new idol.

I assume that this has to be related to the “Shattershock” node in Lightning blast.
I run plenty of chill (weapon, skilltree, relic), but no other source of shock.

Imo the very clear results at the dummy leave 3 options: 1) The dummy can’t be chilled or 2) shattershock is bugged and doesn’t procc from chill only or 3) shattershock actually proccs from chill as well as from shock (meaning it consits of 2 60% multipliers rather than one).

Anybody knows anything about that phenomenon?"

This is a video of the phenomenon, demonstrating that the shock idol results in 8-16k bigger crits, despite me running plenty of chillchance:

Ty 4 checking!

The dummy can be chilled, it has been explained by the devs several times that shattershock gives two separate bonuses that stack. If it were supposed to be one big bonus then it would say “xx more damage against a target that is chilled or shocked” on one line rather than splitting the bonuses out onto two lines.

Not a bug.

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Ty ^^. I’d like to add, that none of these “several explanations” showed up in my “Last Epoch lightningblast shattershock” Google results on the first two pages, whereas e.g. a thing called “chontaquiro sakaryayetistirmeyurdu” does :D.
In order to avoid that the voracious vastness of the www devours even more explanations, i’d suggest to add the clarifying line: “These bonuses can stack.” to the shattershock tooltip.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll make a note that this node is confusing.

Thanks for the report.

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