Shatter Strike - Obliteration

Obliteration in the Shatter Strike tree is not functioning properly or the wording on the skill is wrong.

Wording: Shatter Strike Instantly kills frozen enemies that are below a health threshold.
Kill threshold against frozen enemies: +50%

All other skills in the game with this wording instantly kill enemies below +X% threshold, this one does not.

If this is just increasing the 100hp threshold from shatter strike’s instant kill built into the base skill the wording needs to change (but really the skill spec can go away, because it is useless at that point). I’d rather see the insta kill mechanic function properly and have the threshold reduced.

Shatter Strike’s cull does work differently to every other instance of cull. The +50% refers to the 100 hp threshold, so while this isn’t a bug, it could do with clearer tooltips.

Though IMO, having a cull that’s contingent on the target being frozen as well as below such a low hp threshold is really bad. It’s not needed on trash since you’ll likely kill it all in 1-2 hits & on high hp mobs (champions/bosses), they are hard to freeze plus the threshold is too low. Even in the “best” possible circumstances (100 hp x 200% x (4 x 25%), that’s only a threshold of 600 when you’re likely hitting for thousands, if not tens of thousands. But that’s feedback, not a bug.

The bug is the tool-tip being mislabeled or the skill not working as the tooltip indicates. I completely agree with your feedback though :slight_smile:

We will look at this node and also talk about it little more because we also feel it’s a tad underwhelming in general.

Thanks for the feedback.

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