Self damage scales with area level

From the game guide’s description of resistances and penetration “All enemies gain 1% penetration per area level up to a maximum of 75%”. Based on this, I would expect a self inflicted ailment such as bleed from Diothaen’s Bloody Nib to deal the same damage regardless of area level.

Through testing I have confirmed that it does deal more damage in higher level areas, roughly matching what would be expected if the ailment was dealt by an enemy and gained the penetration per area level.

So is this intended? I have verified that it does happen, if this is the intended functionality then it would mean that resistance penetration isn’t given to enemies, but that player resistances are lowered by enemy level, which should reflect on the character screen.

I don’t have an answer yet, but I’ll look into this. Thanks for the report!

We’ll be fixing this so that penetration from area level does not apply to self damage.
Edit: there are complications with specific cases such as Diothaen’s Bloody Nib so the fix may not be coming soon.


It’s just good knowing it’s on the radar because I was really excited to play with the item, but ended up murdering myself way too often, and it didn’t seem like it would have been worth an item swap for bosses.

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