Screw this game

@Zwiebel Firstly, remember you can choose as many “Rare” affixes as you like as hey don’t affect the bosses (weird i know but that the way it is).

Secondly, i know it will mean dropping 2 affixes and creating 2 new tiems, but really try get 2 more Crit Avoid rolls as then you can take all the monster crit affixes that come your way (even those +250% crit ones :slight_smile: )

Finally, you probably know this, but movespeed is a MUST in boss fights. I actually change boots just for boss fights as i like to have 40%+ movespeed for all boss fights.

Until you get to the Dragon Emperor monolith quest line & there are (deliberately) no “rare enemies have …” modifiers to choose because that makes the boss too easy.

Trust a beancounter to correct my oversights :slight_smile: ty @Llama8


You appear to have misspelt “pedantic ba****d”.

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Well, pull off my arms and call me a clothes pin, I did not realize this! That makes things more defined. Thanks!

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i finally killed him . i was so happy i use my tp instead of the green portal. no quest completion and back 4 echoes. what a joke

This is just unfortunate!

But yeah, using TP is punished as death.

Using a portal to any other era than the end of time is punished as death.

Getting a crash, absolutely due to some bugs is punished as death.

There are a lot of ways you never realize set you back 4 echoes until it happened @.@!

after finding a staff with 102 ad instead of 67ad i managed to kill him. the extra 35ad mde it a lot easier. already halfway unlocking the lvl 90 quest

Usually it used to be that if you used your tp after completing the monolith run was not punished. If you used your tp it also turned green and there was no punishment.

I asume that @Zwiebel was missing a particular trigger that rendered the quest successfully completed. One thing could be that he used it too early after beating the boss or that there was/is a bug.

There is some misinformation in your video and the Abomination boss lacks the explanation to 3 mechanics.

I appreciate that community members are doing videos and guides however if something needs adjusting it should be pointed out.

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Huh, I beat him on my second try with my melee sorc. Couldn’t do it on the first try because I literally teleported inside his beam (hiccups happen I guess). Its pretty easy to stick to his ass, plenty of time to move away from the beam. As far as his magic missiles go, simply moving without attacking did the trick, they couldn’t hit me.

I appreciate the feedback, but what kind of misinformation did i give?

I already know that i left out some stuff, more or less unpurposefully or on purpose, but i think the “most problematic” mechancis i did explain.

I know i did miss the area necrofire in the quarters are the soul vessels die, which is almost self-explanatory.

But what else did i miss?

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