Save File Location

Hi Guys, i know there already is a thread but its old and i still dont know what to do now.

Got a new PC and i want my savefiles on the new one. Already copied the whole registryfolder from my old to the new pc, but it didnt work.

Can someone tell me exactly what to do??

Thx a lot guys.

Windows 10 prof. 64 bit
Game installed with steam

C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves

copy files in this folder
from old pc to new

thx so easy ^^

Bonjour, c’est bizarre ayant eu un soucis avec mon pc j’ai changé celui ci. En me connectant à nouveau sur mon compte je n’ai eu aucune perte de persos.

They were downloaded from Steam cloud perhaps?

Effectivement, bien vu.

@Llama8 had steam Cloud disabled for some reason, but that also worked :slight_smile: thx guys

Is it possible to reset the whole account?

I´ve tried to start from the beginning again (deleted all chars) but my gold, stashes and affixes are still there after creating a new char (the only one at this point).

Delete all from this folder

C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves

(make backup before)

I was already searching for that folder but i couldn´t find it.
Reason was that windows 10 was hiding the complete AppData folder (and all inside)… After turning that setting off in the explorer settings i could find it and delete it.


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