Rotten to the Core

The passive note “Rotten to the Core” from the Spirit Plague Tree cant be allocated, seems that the whole node is “mirrored”.
Pls hotfix this


I think there is a way with a controller, I remember reading in tchat

It’ll be hotfixed again soon. We had it fixed already in an earlier live hotfix, but something internally went wrong and it was reverted.

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I’ve already raised this one.

I am new to these forums and LE in general,but i actually can’t believe what i am seeing.

Actual 11th Hour Games employee on the forums,replying on someone’s topic,wow that’s new.

Makes me wonder why in the f. did i waste so many years on blizzard trash…

Thank you for being involved with your community.

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Welcome to the community… EHG staff will comment on posts when they can - they generally keep an eye on things and chip in when its important or a thread needs a little “inside info” to clarify confusion etc. Imo they are way more involved and open with the community than most dev houses.

If you want even more interaction, check out the Discord channel where the devs reply almost daily to dev related questions & the cms are very active. MikeW (a senior dev) does a weekly stream - which, if you have the time to watch, is great to get an insight into the future of LE.

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