Response to MTX Store

Like my dad used to say: if the road is hot enough to melt your thongs, stay at the pub.


Hahaha my bad stupid typo is stupid :laughing:

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Very positive changes there.
Not for the first time, very impressed by EHG’s willingness to take feedback into account, and by the quality of the solutions found.
These guys are so awesome, they could almost be Australians! :wink:

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I play on a 34" ultrawide monitor. I have 2 choices for streaming this. Either I don’t play full screen, or don’t stretch it and have negative space. The game seems to look halfway decent when you zoom in, but as you all know when you’re close you can’t actually see any of the action. Just because nobody commented negatively on the last stream doesn’t mean I’m lying or misrepresenting, which is rather rude of you to imply.

Don’t worry, I had to fix mine…

Which begs the question, what is the melting point of the average thong? And why am I so interested?

I’d go with the not-stretching-it option then. The one you’ve gone for just looks really bad on twitch so it’s not surprising if your viewers say it looks bad.

Thanks for that. I could try something different. Personally my biggest hitch about the graphics is the red outline on the enemies. I appreciate the clarity, but it makes it feel out of place. I would prefer if the enemies just stood out more naturally from the environment. Also if you’re comparing this to say D2R, which I believe is only $5 more and has zero microtransactions… I would say not even close my dude… This feels very blocky and unrefined. I realize it’s still in beta, but I doubt the graphics will get a major overhaul before launch.

One thing I thought of was making the supporter packs standalone. Maybe lvl 1 tier you can choose one of them items but the other three are set. Each tier you go up you get to choose one more item. At the lvl 4 tier you get to choose all four you want.

I think a $20 skin for a $35 game is the most I would spend personally, and it would still need to come with enough points to buy the portal. The $50 one is the only skin that I think looks halfway decent, so I’m definitely not getting any swag for this game. I spent over 3k on MTGA and over $600 on Marvel Snap… However, I’m not going to just throw that much money at a skin and a portal when the game only costs 70% of that price.

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Thx for listening :slight_smile: I will be part of the supporters and buy some cosmetics at that price :wink:
Keep the great work !

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I had some free time yesterday so I searched “Last Epoch” on your past streams, and went through and scanned each and every one of them. The comments are saved/archived by Twitch, and I never saw anyone say it looks ancient.

I saw one dude ask if it’s like PoE or Diablo when it comes to seasonal content, but no one was calling it ancient or ugly. lol

In fact like 80% of your chat comments are just your one moderator you seem to play with a lot. Like I respect you for keeping the grind up when you’re a small streamer, but again, it just feels like a weird misrepresentation of the game.

What I think is the truth – YOU think LE looks ancient, and are misremembering where you got that opinion from. It wasn’t from a chatter, it’s just what you think. Also wander around Lagon’s Temple or the Ancient/Divine era and tell me with absolute honesty that the game is ancient or ugly.

I said previously I wasn’t trying to dog you, but if there’s one thing about Last Epoch that I’ll defend is it’s visuals, especially in comparison to it’s competition.

There’s a lot of ways you could describe Last Epoch – some good, some bad – but not ancient. Just seems like a misuse of the word.

However, I’m not going to just throw that much money at a skin and a portal when the game only costs 70% of that price.

So if Last Epoch was sold for the price of a AAA then the bar for entry when it comes to the price of cosmetics would be fine, if not even higher? How does that scale?

PoE has a technical buy-in price for it’s stashes and still is fine charging $50 or more for skin packs. Diablo 4 is a full AAA priced game and sells cosmetic skins. MTG is literally just one giant cash-shop. It’s literally known for being one of the most expensive games to buy into.

I would think having the base game cost ONLY $35 in comparison to it’s optional cosmetic skins would be a good thing, but I guess not.


Yup, and if that’s what he thinks then that’s fine.

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Sure, but it’s like objectively not an ugly or ancient game. And phrasing it like it’s the general opinion of outsiders is kind of weird, not gonna lie.

Like it’s needlessly critical.


Really happy with these changes, the quick reply, and the overall honesty. :+1:

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I find it funny how you think Marvel Snap is worth throwing $600 into. But this game isn’t worth $35. Clearly ARPGs are not your jam.


Whether this was a pre-defined “plan b” response or an honest point of reflection to feedback, I want to again commend the combination of strategic communication and thoughtful adjustments. We saw a very similar approach in working through the trading systems and you’ve shown a visible willingness to accept feedback and re-calibrate.

I do think the topic of long-term revenue generation from a game is an important one, as it is generally the distinction between the release of a game and the maintenance of an evolving live service. Before PoE, most ARGPs were standalone games that rarely saw updates (outside of bug fixes) except through paid expansions.

All of that said, I’ve enjoyed LE so far and am looking more forward to the conclusion of the story and what might follow in terms of content as opposed to cosmetics, but it isn’t a bad thing to give options for players to continue to invest in a game they enjoy over time.

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I’m glad you went through all that effort to try and call me out, but I do play multiple games per stream at times, and the title is not always correct. I like having a chill game I can play if I’m getting frustrated battling in the top 0.00001 percentile of players in MTGA, which just so happens to be the most complex game in the world according to Cambridge University. It’s also completely free to play, I only spend so much because I like having the upgraded card styles.

It’s not ancient that is to strong a word, it isn’t ugly either, but it does look dated.


I started with Diablo 2 on PC, but couldn’t get into it much originally. To me it looked very dull in comparison to what I was playing online with a Dreamcast console. Phantasy Star Online. I wasn’t such a harsh critic back then, but what I could do over 20 years ago on a $200 console still almost seems better than playing games like this in the modern age with a $2000 computer. You’re right though, these really aren’t my jam. It’s just something fun to occupy my time while I’m not playing other games. I find games like these repetitive. It’s like you’re just playing an item lotto, fighting poorly trained AI, so you can fight slightly upgraded versions with the same poorly trained UI. Without trade system and PVP this game is not very playable beyond level 100. I did have some fun on the way up, but if they want to keep players like me around… They will need to add PVP and a full scale trade system. Also, not charge $50 for a skin and a portal. I paid $30 for a Sorcerer package in Diablo Immortal. That game was completely free, and looked better than this, & it’s a mobile game. The package came with more, and it seemed much higher quality. I’m not trying to defend Blizzard, honestly as a company I despise them… However, I do regret buying that skin as I stopped playing that game, and don’t feel like I got much value out of it. $50 for a skin and a portal is just insane though.

It’s always a pre-defined plan B response. They introduce one thing, with prices higher than they expected people to pay. Then when people fuss, they immediately come with some slightly revised pricing that they originally intended for anyway. Then, all the sheep are happy thinking they’ve actually done something for their game. When in reality, they just fell for the classic bait and switch because the premier “back attatchment” still comes with a price tag of $50.

If that’s the case then D3 might be more palatable for a bit of mindless monster splatting.