Probably echoing what many others have said but I don’t like the current iteration of the system.
When we talk about skills and their respective trees, I think it’s harsh to punish the player for wanting to change their skill tree by forcing them to re-level that skill (point). If I’ve gained enough experience to earn a skill point, that should be mine until I completely de-specialise the skill. Removing a skill point at L20 (down to L19) to then have to re-level that 1 extra skill point is just an unnecessary grind and use of time. The word “grind” is subjective here, but I find it very tedious. You may not.
I would propose letting players move skill points around around at will. IF you have to gate it behind anything, it should be a gold cost. Perhaps even have an increasing gold cost. It would be a much better system.
However, in the case of totally despecialising a skill and respeccing into a new skill, I’m completely okay with losing all skill points and re-levelling a new skill. I don’t think skills should ‘carry over’ their skill points.
Regarding the Class skill tree and masteries, (insert a Reeeeeeeeee here).
Please, let us shuffle around our skill points at will and take away the ridiculous 20point mandatory system. It’s so clunky. For example, let’s use a Sentinel.
So, we MUST have 20 points in the base class. Once we have 20 points in it and we want to respec those 20 points, can we please just have an option to respec all points (for a cost) and be able to start again? Why oh why am I forced to take points out of another tree, spec them into the base class to get more than 20 points, so then I can respec some out of the base class and re-arrange them; man it gets ridiculous.
This would be simply fixed by having an ‘OK’ button on the Skill Tree UI somewhere. Allow us to respec all of our 20 points at once and reallocate them abiding by the skill tree’s mechanics and criteria (linked nodes, skills that require a certain amount of points to progress to another skill). Once players meet the tree’s criteria of 20 points, the ‘OK’ button lights up and we move on. If there aren’t enough points, the button remains grey. If a player closes the window with a grey button, no changes are saved.
Lastly, I have no real problem with having to re-level a character for a different mastery. However, not everyone has the time or the desire. So I think that perhaps allowing a mastery respec would be a nice feature and should be implemented and gated behind some kind of currency value. Whether its straight up gold, a special currency drop like an orb, scroll, crystal etc… whatever floats your boat.
That’s my 2 cents,