Respec - How do YOU like, or not like it

Just link to it, it’s a lot easier. And I’m not sure you can entirely blame people for not reading all of a 220 post thread…

Some people (my kids, for example) enjoy auto-clickers, whereas others believe that they will be responsible for the downfall of civilisation (in addition to poor spelling & not being able to cope with they’re/there/their)…

Edit: I’m also waiting for my kids to get old enough for me to have this mug.

Edit #2: and to be fair, “Just accept that there are different point of views on a topic” is actually kinda difficult, just look at modern political “discussion”…

So I really appreciate the time you spend to proof your point.

You are right. Respeccing 4 points in and out of a skill should not take 6 hours to play.

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Yeah. But the idea is good, isn’t it?

It is something to strive for, but we shouldn’t dump on people who (for whatever reason) don’t (at that moment) meet that standard. 'Cause we aren’t perfect either (apart from me, my wife says I’m perfect & she’s always right).

I am VERY happy with the current implementation:
No respec of mastery. I will try them all with different toons. Changing your mastery is like changing the soul of your toon.
Passives you can change almost instantly for little gold. I’m okay with it but it could be changed to the same as skill points: regaining them by a short labour.
I LOVE the skill point respec system. Want to try another build? Spec out of the skill and then work some time to rebuild the skill tree. Why is this so good? Because I love the feeling of leveling and gaining power. The respec lets me relive this for like 30mins where I build up the power of my new chosen skills.

Keep it! Very happy!

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Training area would be awesome, yes please!! Even just a training dummy that I can make pretend builds against all day long with instant free respecs.

I too google best builds, but I always want to tweak them once I make them…just because. Even our youtube pros can’t try everything. My Fireball example was real, and is something I would want to do all day long with the 5 chars I have now levelled to 70. At a 6 hour regrind cost to just tweak 4 points - sorry I can’t sustain that. Life’s too short.

Finally, I guess I am starting to understand the “choices matter” side. I can’t say I’d ever care about the game that way and I certainly can’t condone it “spoiling things” for everyone else who just want to tweak builds at little to no cost. Full blown RPGs? Absolutely, I am with you 100% - choices should matter in that kind of game. ARPGs like this…no way! I need to repec lots or the game dies quick for me. Again this is why I think offering both respec types as a character-level option is the best solution, and without segregating those groups either - I already explained why there’s no need to split the playerbase based on how they respec. This approach falls squarely into the “let players play how they want” category, and really is the only way you can win and satisfy the maximum playerbase.

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I agree with this completely, and on full release I planned to have 15 chars in play.

I am actually baffled why passive respec is so cheap and experiment-friendly given skill respec is the opposite. But I’ll say no more because upping the cost to respec passives is not something I want, as I do that all the time as well! Careful what you wish for…

That’s cute. If it was 30 mins I would not be in this thread complaining. It’s not, it’s more. MUCH more. You probably didn’t read the entire thread. End game skill tweak of just 4 points took me 6 hours to grind the points (had to re-level a skill from 16 to 20 twice).

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Ah might be that I am only around lvl 40 and respeccing a skill to about level 12 really is fast enough for me. Max 1 hour would be a compromise.

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OK, the 6 hours number was bothering me a bit so I ran my own test. Without cheating, I took a level 16 skill and timed how long it is to respec back to 20 in end game.

18 mins.

I started the timer while I was in town and I also died in the arena which I’m sure slowed me down a ton.


On a slightly random & tenuously-related note, does the level of the skill tie in to the damage it does (ignoring any damage nodes you may or may not have taken)? So would a lvl 20 skill do x% more damage than a lvl 19 (or 16, etc) skill, all other things (gear, passives, idols, skill nodes taken, etc) being equal?

Is damage dealt with similar to PoE, in that attack skills get their damage from equipped weapons while spells/minions have their own base damage as a part of the skill? Or is it different?

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The base damage of a skill is not affected by the skill level. There are no hidden skill power stats.


So both spells & attacks use gear/passives as their base damage with an “added damage effectiveness” modifier in there.

In which case, why do melee skills have more flat added damage affixes than spells? Melee has the various flavours of added melee damage prefixes, whereas spells “only” get adaptive spell damage as an implicit (which would be comparable to the melee weapon’s melee damage implicit) plus one prefix (Spellblade’s, plus one for channelling).

I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just a bit confused if there’s no hidden source of flat damage in the spell itself.

It’s an attempt to make melee skills be more reliant on your weapon to emulate a “local” stat.


What was your character level, Mike?

Level 86

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I was 20+ levels lower. Am I to wait till I am level 90 before tweaking builds then? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think the lower level would have an impact on how fast the skill levels up, but surely not an additional 2.5 hours…

To be fair - i do not like the spec/respec system at all. I mean maybe i am just to stupid, but why is there no confirmation before my choice is set in stone - lag? misclick? and there you go point placed where you dont want it… i mean - there should be a “Planning Phase” and once you feel cool with what you did you hit a “confirmation-button” and then it is final.


Yeah, a confirmation would be nice. Along with not having to confirm every single damned passive, but one confirmation when you try to exit/move away from the respec vendor.

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Well clear/kill speed would be an issue, I guess. I am very plodding in monolith and was dying around wave 40 in Arena at the time.

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