Refresh today

Since, this is a minor refresh they said that it lasts till october is their a point in restarting over? Will the next cycle refresh in october? I hope not. Let me know thanks coz i’m kinda confused on this part.

The cycle will be reset today (cycle characters and market will move over to legacy) and the new cycle will continue until the next cycle starts. The event part (killing undead) will go away after a month, but the rest continues (shrines, loot goblins lizards, etc) until the next cycle, which will be in the first few months of 2025.

Both legacy and cycle will have the exact same content. So there’s only a point on making a new cycle character if you want a shot at leaderboards or if you want a fresh start/economy.
Otherwise, you can just continue playing with your regular characters, which will all be in legacy.

It should also be noted that the event part (the killing undead stuff) is only available in monolith echoes, so if you’re still always only on campaign, you won’t interact with it.


So, I won’t have to worry about making a new cycle character? That’s all I was just asking lol.

No, you can keep playing with your current character and you won’t miss out on anything.
But you should try to push getting your character to monoliths, so you can do the undead thing of the event.

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What time do servers go up? I’m EST

~8 mins from now.

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will the “old” (1.0) characters in Legacy converted to HoR?

and will they gat a full reset? or still buying?

What do you mean? Legacy characters don’t need conversion, they stay in legacy and they’ve been available to play since launch.

Legacy doesn’t have resets. That’s the whole point of legacy.

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well, there we’re changes in passives etc… will they be applied to the old chars in legacy?

since there are new passives, will this skill tree be resetted or will I have to buy every passive point back? I understand the concept of cycle and legacy, but will they do the changes in passive-trees, or will each char stay on the game version it was created?

That already happened with the launch of 1.1. If you had allocated a passive/skill passive that was changed, your tree is reset.

Characters don’t keep the version, as that would require the game to keep all versions at once, which is not desirable.

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Yes, all characters are based on the current version of the game (ie, stats, passives, skills, etc).

There aren’t any new passives.

Skill trees are different to the passive trees. Though if a skill tree has a significant rework, legacy characters with those skills do generally have the skills reset.

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