Red screen upon entering Sanctum of the Architect

Detailed description:

Upon entering the Sanctum of the Architect my screen goes completely red, with the UI overlaid on top. I am able to use skills but not move, and my minimap is blank.

I have tried to reset the game and adjust multiple graphics settings to no avail.

I have levelled many characters through this zone with no issues and nothing has changed in my configuration since doing so.

What were you doing at the time?

Simply entered the zone.

How consistently does this happen?

100% of the time upon entering the zone on any character.

Player-prev.log (1.5 MB)

le_graphicsmanager.ini (478 Bytes)
DxDiag.txt (135.6 KB)


I have yet to try reinstalling but will do so in the next day or so and report back.


It looks like the log you posted is from a playthrough of the first few chapters, not including Sanctum of the Architect. Do you have a log where you’ve entered that scene? The log from your most recent play session is always named Player.log.

Before reinstalling the game, if you’re playing the game through Steam you can try verifying the files there. In your Steam library, right click Last Epoch → Properties → Local files → Verify integrity of game files.

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