Rebuke not working

NOT SOLVED BUT FOUND OUT: See the Solved comment from @chogliam

I made two gifs about an issue with rebuke, it just doesn’t give any channel time, so doesn’t reduce the time nor applies any of the passives. The only points put in the tree are the spreading burn 2/2 and the point required for it.

I made another post where it seems to be related to framerate, what was yours?

Do you have any +Cast speed from Passives or Items?

We’ve confirmed it bricks Rebuke in various ways in this thread:

Check your skills & gear for Cast Speed & try removing it. The images you post look exactly the same as what I experience and removing all Cast Speed fixed it.

For me I tried to remove any cast speed (I had +6%), didnt change anything as long as I am < ~50 FPS.

I can 100% reproduce effect by limiting my FPS from 60 to 30. And basically it happens to me multiple times as the game doesn’t hold 60 FPS.

Alright! Indeed after removing cast speed the problem went away… now I have to figure out how to play smite and rebuke without casting speed… I hope it gets solved soon!

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