Raven unsummons when transitioning zones with Wolves

I’m using a Raven and Wolf build. I have the node where I can summon Wolves up to my maximum number of companions. I also have the Storm Ravens, with the node that, if there is only 1 raven, it is bigger. (Which, incidentally, stops you summoning more than 1, which the text doesn’t say, but I’ll log that separately).

When I transition zones, it seems to summon/create the wolves before the raven, meaning that I start each zone with 4 wolves, instead of 3 wolves and a large raven, which is what I left the previous zone with.

To re-summon the raven, I have to unsummon the wolves (The only way to unsummon the wolves is to remove them from the action bar), summon the Raven, then put the wolves back into the action bar and re-summon them. This then gives me the pet combo I’m looking for.

This is a known issue, we’re tracking this internally.

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