Ranges on Gear Could be More Specific

As seen here, some test needs better clarification.

“Bone Golems has a 6% chance on hit to grant 2% of their missing health…”

There are 2 percentages listed but the “Range” indicator doesn’t clarify which one it applies to. Here we can figure it out (hopefully) as the 6% is out of range of the indicator, but this could be one of those instances where the text is simply wrong.

We would not know for sure unless it specified which one it applied to. There are others of a similar nature where it’s harder to decipher.Range on AW

This example is not ambiguous because you can see one value is always outside of the range. Do you know of any examples where both values can be inside the range at the same time?

I agree that it can be confusing and until we have a better way to show it, we can make sure that it is never ambiguous.

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Just add color/highlight to the variable ranges (and match them to the indicators). Keep static values the basic text color. Other games have done it this way.

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It’s been a while since I examined anything in detail lately, been farming specific items when I’m on, but will keep my eye open and let you know if anything else isn’t as easy to discern. I know there was something awhile back but it may have been fixed since.

Thanks for the quick response.

Yeah, highlighting the figure the range relates to would be good.

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