Questions about Endgame and Seasons

Your criticism Hits the nail on the head. Some of the mechanics are too tedious and need a change IMO.
the bloating and implementing every League mechanic no matter how boring and similiar to the other mechanics it was made me stop playing POE. They Problem in POE is that many of those mechanics give items you cant or Hardy acquire otherwise.
I hope this wont Happen to LE. I guess we will see how they approach this matter when the first Patch with the next endgame mechanic Hits LE.

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In POE its like 90% of the clicking is picking up stuff and inventory and currency management, and 10% of clicking is actually having fun killing monsters.

IMO a good ARPG would have most of the clicking be about having fun and killing monsters, and the minority of clicking be inventory management.

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You are absolutetly right.

Im not defending any game, please correct me if im wrong but how many mouse overs u have during running monolith in empovered currently?
And do u actualy have fun killing monsters in LE during your run and how many times do u stop to check items on the floor?

Just my 2 cents on leagues, I don’t like the thought of having to start all over as a level 1 character every time a new league starts. That’s the whole reason I quit playing POE in the first place. It seemed that POE was just trying to satisfy the 1% who enjoyed the race to the finish and didn’t care about the gamers who want longevity in a character.
So if that’s what you want in the Leagues/Seasons, then I vote against it.

That’s a good point. When you don’t setup a very strict lootfilter, you end up stopping and comparing a lot.

This happens very often when I have not so strict filters transitioning from midgame to endgame. When I’m aware that it’s getting tedious, I take my time to setup a filter so I can really just run through.

But actually I can say that personally I spend most of the time playing the game in LE.


Ditto. Every single item that drops is one I pick up because I have proper Item Filters.

Im not so good with seting up loot filter but im using ones from the games forum, can u suggest me any for shattered strike currently im using boardmans

That’s exactly the issue. You are using a more “generic” filter. These are awesome to bring you through the story and also through the non empowered timelines.

But there comes a point where you end up getting seemingly similar loot, that doesn’t really bring you forward.

I can’t suggest you a filter, because your item progression is based on your current gear.

You have to make up your mind what exact item you need that will be better than your previous items.

For example:
You have a bone amulet with ok implicits, with 2 t5 stats that fit your build, 1 t3 stat that fits your build and a useless stat (like minion damage on your shatter strike spellblase). It is fractured so you cannot improve. The Question is, is bone amulet the right choice? Or are you massively overcapped on physical resistance? Then you might want to look for another amulet type - but this may mean that you need to switch even more items to keep the level of necrotic res, that might be uncapped when you switch your bone amulet.

But let’s asume the bone amulet is the right choice: You want to have an amulet with the 3 stats you already have on your current and either a 4th stat that fits your build or an empty slot so you can craft on it.

The way I do this currently:
I set a very strict filter for a bone amulet with exact 3 stats I want to have in dark red. Then I set the min tier of each stat to more or equal 3.

Depending on how often you find items that match your criteria you may want to adjust the affix tier level. But you should only show items that at least have the same 3 stats you already have. It may be ok to find a similar item with lower tier affixes so you can craft in and have a chance to make it better than you current item.

This you do for every item slot.

Of course this takes some time. But there are some rules that help with the choice if base items and what stat you want to have on which item slot. Because some stats are restricted.

And once you started this, you’ll see the benefits.

Luckily Lizard uploaded a video on this topic recently that explains the basic rules. It’s very informative imho.

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Thank u very much for your trouble i will try my best when i have good internet in a few days :blush:

No trouble, you’re welcome :v:

Just want to add: My suggestion above may be very restrictive. You could also add more affixes to the pool for that item and say you want at least 3 of them on an item.

But if you end up collecting a bunch of stuff you don’t need, your filter is not strict enough.

And you should always have a show rule for rare affixes that are hard to find. So you can shatter the items and use the shards for crafting.

Cheers mate!

I hope you reach the harbour in time for the new patch :wink:

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3 more days cant hardly wait, this patch looks super awsome, im so much looking forward to 35 uniques and improved visuals of skills. Thank u for your good wishes :heart:

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When it comes to Endgame in games, I usually leave that to the Experts. Am playing the game of Inquisitor - Martyr and they started with Seasons just last year, and it was very fresh to see that they implemented that. And then I also play at times Path of Exile, which also use Seasons.
But I must say that Ssns in PoE is a bit short. Personally I find 3 month Seasons a bit short. 4 Months would be much better. Also very nice with Seasons is the fact that it is a very nice opportunity for the Developers to not only Season-specific Items and Npcs, but also new Unique Monster(s), Places and even the chance to introduce new and improved interesting Mechanics and Game-Modes even.
But when that is said about Seasons, I think it is a very good thing BEFORE any Seasons is starting to have a game actually finished. And that the game is having a great, solid, strong and sturdy Base to build upon.

I gotta disagree with ya on the length of the seasons. I like it being 3 months long, anything longer than that and my interesting just drops. Has happened every time they delay a league.

Well, you are allowed to disagree in that. Tons of mixed feelings regarding that. Some people needs around 4 months. Some needs less then 3 months to fulfill all Challenges and such. But you as I know that some likes to play on occasions, other likes to go all in and even have/take less sleep.
Why do I think for instance Path of Exile needs 4 months Leagues Seasons? Because as such it is now, when PoE is having 3mth Leagues, it also shows on every darn League that is starting is actually looking way too much alike the previous one. That is just an example, but it do show. If Leagues were 4mths in PoE Devs would actually have time to put some serious ideas on the table. Take for instance the current League in PoE. I know it is called Expeditions, but it really should be called Ritual 4.0.

The length of the season should be set on how much lead time the dev team needs to produce the content for the next season. One of PoE’s issues is the constant grind of making new content to spur activity. That grind wears down creativity over time as lead times get cut shorter and shorter due to scope and profits. GGG has indicated that they have two separate expansion teams.

Another issue I have with seasons is that for new players they can be a harsh reality that the game is not polished or even close to playable. The 3.13 and 3.14 launch for PoE was terrible at best. Then GGG compounded the problem with streamer queue and wasted a lot of goodwill.

I just think that before you can play in a season/league you have to go through the standard at least once, in any mode, but you have to get a global account-wide achievement that you at least understand the core functions of the game before going into the season content. Seasons should be IMO end game-specific content that has an introduction at a specific point that is logical for the content.

Well, in the end it is the Devs that decide how long Leagues/Seasons they are going to run.
I however wish and asks them doing it 4 months long and not 3 months long.
More people is actually having a chance of completing Full Challenge task and whatever the goal is to finish.

That raises an interesting question, should most people be able to “finish” all the challenges in a league? Where does one draw the line?

Well, there are different kind of people you know. You have those who are actually liking to sit down and play the casual way. I guess that means - Hey, we are also having family and work to attend to, but we also do love from time to time to game some serious.

Then yo have those people who really likes to sit down and GAME for 6-10 hrs for a full week, and then take a week off.

And then you have those people who is sitting smack down in front of their screen, and try to sit to play for a full 24 hrs and even more without any kind of sleeping at all. They have made sure that all kind of food is ready up-front to prevent having to go out like at all. IF AT ALL they need some kind of food, they pick up their phone and calls for it and get it brought to their front-door. Ding-Dong, here comes the food.

And besides, in many cases, the Devs is making better content and put out better ideas when having 4mths long Seasons compared to 3mths ones.
And when it comes to finishing Challenges, they are supposed to be hard for a reason surely, but they aren´t supposed to be IMPOSSIBLE.

I´m just putting out a wish for the Devs here to sit down think and consider. I´m not sitting here and tells them YOU GOT TO MAKE SEASONS 4 MONTHS LONG or else, kind of thing.
Some Companies is having a hard time making succesful Seasons/Leagues and it shows they are out of ideas, and if you take a good look at Path of Exile which DOES have 3mths long Seasons/Leagues, it truly shows.

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