Question about future season / content etc

Hey all, I am fresh player and playing around week. And ye, I bored about D4 and finding new game. I think LE can be good choice, but I have question about future season / mechanics etc.
I will need play season for extra content, or changes will be the same time on Realm Server and Seasonal ?. Honestly I’m not fan about seasons, I would just play characters without resetting my progress. Plus we have a lot of specialization on classes, so the potential and just fun from playing is huge.

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Welcome to the game and the forum!

I think you’ll be happy about the future of LE. They are planning on having seasons but not in a way that makes you feel you “have” to play them. The new content that comes out with seasons is supposed to be available to all players.

Someone may have a link to a proper discussion on it, which I’m sure they will post here for your convenience. :slight_smile:


I’m on my smart phone so can’t give you a direct link, however I beleive this is the awesome thread being referenced :slight_smile: [Unofficial] Roadmap to 1.0 and Beyond
Searching that thread provides many references.


As mentioned above, you can find more information in the Cycles section of my unofficial roadmap post where I provide a short description of what we currently know about them followed by the most relevant developer quotes on the subject. Cycles are LE’s version of seasons or leagues.

Judd Cobler, EHG CEO and LE Game Director, also discusses current plans for cycles in this recent interview with Rhykker at Gamescom (from 9:50 to 11:38 of the video). I’ll be adding this information to that thread, but I’ve yet to transcribe it.


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